

Their words fell on deaf ears. Shen Biru was not paying them any heed at all no matter how hard they try to call out for her name.

Due to her panic, Shen Biru can not think straight anymore. Panic clouded her rationality as more vines tried to pull her. They seem to become more aggressive, eager to send her to her early demise.

Some vines even started aiming at her neck to strangle her, almost cutting all the oxygen from coming in. If this was allowed to go on, it will just only take a matter of time before she dies of asphyxiation.

All she wanted to do now is to escape as soon as possible. Before the vines could further wrapped all around her body and swallow her whole.

"Shen Biru! Hey! Look at me! Listen... This is not the time for you to panic. The more you panic, the more you are putting yourself in danger...."

Amidst the frantic shouts and incomprehensible words uttered by the warlocks before her, Shen Biru managed to single out Su Yan's voice.

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