

The group entered the mouth of the cavern warily. They were all in full alert ready to face any sneak attack that will come to them.

The cavern wormed its way half a mile into the mountain. Its general shape was ovoid and the walls below the ridge smoothly curved to the floor.

The walls above arched another hundred feet up to the giant beautiful crystal stalactites and stalagmites that adorned the interior of the cavern. This gives the place a cool fluorescent glow.

Looking above them, the ceiling was high and the stalactites that hang above their heads look like chandeliers.

While the stalactite rising from the floor of the cavern resembles the towering majestic pillars, standing grand and tall.

Everything inside shows the grandeur of the cavern on its own unique way

In the cave, the only sound that met their straining ears was their own echoing footsteps.

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