

The group knew their friend, Su Yan, is not someone who will joke around in this kind of situation. So even though they were not sure what exactly was happening, they also started running with all their might while their eyes were tightly shut.

Since they cannot see where they were going, they solely rely on their other senses, primarily their sense of hearing. The sound of their running footsteps was mixed with the mirthless laugh in the background.

As a known fact, the enigma of being unable to see and left to imagine things is much worse than actually seeing.

The giggling continues and it sounded like it was coming everywhere. This causes the group to run even faster and the sheer fright to the unknown that was lurking somewhere almost clouded their ability to think straight.

They could only hope that they were taking the right path or they might risk being separated from the rest of the group and subject themselves to face a scarier scenario alone.

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