

That scene of the man mercilessly being torn into half will haunt Mu Lingxi on the coming nights. It will be one of her darkest nightmares.

The shrill voice continues to resound at the ship's deck. But it was hard to discern whether the sound was still coming from the Harpies or if it is already the scream of the warlocks who unfortunately fall victim to this onslaught of Harpies.

A few Harpies will occasionally look at Mu Lingxi's side but as soon as they saw her, they will scrunch their face as if they were disgusted by her sight.

"HUH! How dare you use that 'disgusted-expression' over me????"

"You are the one disgusting!!"


Mu Lingxi should be happy that the Harpies have no plan of attacking her right???? But she can't help but gnash her teeth due to anger whenever she saw their expression.

"Am I that awful that you don't want to even bother taking a look at me?!!"

The battle continues to drag on and it was obvious that the warlocks were being overpowered. Some of them are being carried away by the harpies to who-knows-where!

The harpies will take a poor warlock by their feet and then they will fly away as if what they are carrying was just a twig and not a man.

Also, the shredding of human flesh did not just stop in one incident. Whenever two harpies took an interest in the same person they will start tugging on it's both ends.

It was like they were playing tug of war, then once the body can no longer sustain the pressure from the tugging it will finally give up and be torn into halves.

Whenever that happened, the cruel harpies will just throw the remains of the poor victim without paying much heed.

At the corner of her eyes, she saw a man who was being targeted by three harpies all at the same time.

Just above her, she can see another man being torn into halves. Wherever she turned her eyes, the scene was all the same. It was a one-sided slaughter!!!!

"Noooooooo!!!!! Leave him alone!!!! Long Yueeeeeeeeeeee!!!

A familiar voice managed to reach Mu Lingxi's ear. Despite the chaos and the cacophony of everything around her.

Her sense of hearing manages to single out that sorrowful shout of the man whom she used to know.

It was Prince Long Fuzi!!! The man whom she was trying to avoid and ran away from was sharing the

same ship with her!

And wait! It was not just him,... Prince Long Yue happens to be at the same ship as well!! This gonna be a grand reunion for the three characters.

Looking at the direction where the voice was coming, she saw Prince Long Fuzi fighting valiantly with group harpies all at the same time.

He was shooting frost bombs one after another, casting spell relentlessly. Thankfully he was able to put a safe distance between him and the harpies, for the meantime.

But Prince Long Yue's situation is not as good as his prince brother's.

The flying harpy hovering just above him was able to snatch his wand and another harpy was able to knock him off his foot after it flaps its black wings.

As if in slow motion, Mu Lingxi saw how Prince Long Yue stumble and fall on his back, lying defenseless as the flock of harpies approached him menacingly.

Mu Lingxi was not sure when her feet acted on its own, but before she knew it she found herself sprinting towards the direction where Prince Long Yue was lying.


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