

Mu Lingxi was quite skeptical hearing his explanation so she turns her head and looks at Janus instead.

[Hmmm??? I suspect it the moment the ring reappeared at your finger. But little lass, you can't blame me for it though. I honestly felt a sudden presence of magic at your side that time, and when I check you out, the ring was already missing...]

Hearing that her cat was already trying his best to brush away the blame as soon as she looks at him, she can now ascertain that it was all but a misunderstanding.

This makes her feel ashamed because of how she behaved all this time. Knowing that she was somehow at fault of this whole misunderstanding, she apologized.

"If what you said is true, then pardon us for misjudging you. But you cannot just blame us for all of it. You run away from us???? Why you didn't explain yourself right away? And instead tried your best to escape from us?"

"Because you guys were chasing after me. Running just like hungry wolves that will tear me into pieces once you get me off your hands.

On the forest, before we could even talk diplomatically, you send me your barrages of attacks already. So tell me, how can I explain myself then, young missy???"

Yuan Tao answered with the same amount of sarcasm.

Mu Lingxi rolled her eyes once more.

"Okay?!!! So that will be it. Sorry, thank you. Goodbye and good riddance!"

She said her piece before she turns away ready to go as far as she could, away from this annoying guy.

She can't explain exactly why, but she always finds it irritating to talk with this Yuan Tao. So she chose to leave him alone or she might not know when she will eventually die from frustration.

Janus followed her right away.


[Little lass, you are getting unreasonable??? We should at least talk to him first and seek his help for the time being]

Janus was not sure why Mu Lingxi was acting strange this time. She was not usually like this.


[Why is she so snappy today?? Is she having PMS?????]

Janus can't help but thought to himself and speculate the possible reason for the unusual behavior of his master.

Mu Lingxi was about to turn to a corner, going out form the small alley but she abruptly halted her step hide at the wall. As if she was hiding from something.

"They were here! The mob was still looking for us!" She mouthed to Janus but there is no voice coming out from her lips."

Seeing that the little tigress just awhile ago turns into a frighten cute rabbit, Yuan Tao can't help but chuckle.

He waved his hand and whispered, "DÓSE MOU ÉNA PRÓSOPO POU XEGELÁEI TA MÁTIA"

After he was done chanting the spell, a soggy looking mask materializes at his hand.

"Here, wear this one for the time being."

He said as he handed Mu Lingxi the soggy looking mask.

"Leave me alone----Hey?! What are you trying to do?????"

Knowing that the stubborn girl will just keep on rejecting his goodwill, and there is no time to waste right now. He makes Mu Lingxi wear the mask by using his own hand.

Thankfully he finished wearing the mask to Mu Lingxi before the mob could reach them.

When the mob saw the two young lads seemingly struggling from each other's embrace, they were all aghast.

They did not expect to see two young men having a secret meeting at the dark corner of a small alley.

They don't wish to interrupt whatever affair they are having, so they swiftly averted their eyes and pretended that they did not see something. They immediately left the area and decided to search somewhere else.

"Youngsters nowadays sure were daring, Tsk!"

Someone from the mob can't help but comment.


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=give me a face that fool the eyes

WolfsBanecreators' thoughts
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