

The thief continued to sink deeper in the ground. He was trapped in a quicksand!

"Would you mind passing me over that piece of stick over there?"

Said the thief as he ushered Mu Lingxi in the direction where his wand landed using his pouting lips. His voice was unsurprisingly calm as if he was not the one being swallowed by the ground.

On the other hand, Mu Lingxi's battle instinct started to die down, she stared blankly at the handsome guy slowly sinking at the ground before her eyes.


"Hey miss, what are you staring up right there? Quick help me???"

"Ohhh... yeah... the stick,..."

Mu Lingxi said seemingly still in a daze as she casually picks a stick and throws it to him

"Not this one! Oh geez,... What am I suppose to do with this stick??!"

"But you said you need a stick?!!!! I'm not sure what are you planning to do with that though????"

"What I mean is give me my wand."


[You wish?!!!

After you stole something from us and exhausting us to chase after you?! You want us to help you in return??? What do you think of us?! A good Samaritan??? Hmph!]

Janus haughtily said as he picks up the wand lying at the ground using his mouth.

Sadly, the guys could not hear him.

"Give me back my ring first!"

Mu Lingxi exclaimed as she extended her right arm, waiting for the thief to throw the ring back to her.

"Ohh?? Is it not the same ring you're wearing right now????"

He said in false confusion yet his smiling face betrayed his purpose. He smiled cockily to Mu Lingxi, flashing his small white perfect teeth.

Mu Lingxi was aghast to see the familiar ring back at her finger. She stared with wide eyes and mouth agape as she observes her own hand.

She can't help but touch the ring, as she cannot believe how did he manage to slip it back to her fingers without her noticing it.

"See???? I honestly don't have any intention of stealing your possession. Lest I wish to sully my reputation just over a silly-looking ring. I'm not that cheap?!"

"Oh sure, you're certainly not a cheap one. This small one shall take her leave then, bye!"

As she said that, she turned to her heels and continued to walk away. Ready to leave the annoying guy who was slowly sinking on the ground.

"Hey!!! Where are you going???? Aren't you going to help me?!!"

But his words fell on deaf ears. Mu Lingxi and her cat Janus didn't even budge as the sinking guy continued to call for their help.

Seeing that the departing figures of the master and cat duo were slowly going farther away, Yuan Tao gritted his teeth and swallowed his pride.


"There you go."

As if hearing a magic word, Mu Lingxi and Janus turn around and headed back to the direction where they left the sinking guy.

Janus transforms into a huge panther and using his tail, he handed the wand back to Yuan Tao.


Right after he utters his chant, his body shoots upward as if a rocket abruptly taking off and he landed a few meters away from the quicksand.

But his landing was not that smooth as he landed awkwardly resembling a plane that loses its control and needed an emergency landing

His fallen figure left a deep depression on the ground. When he got up, he dusted his pants surreptitiously. Trying hard to maintain a dashing aura.

"Ohh yeah, hi there..."

He continued his act of playing cool as he casually leans to the tree beside him waving to the master and cat duo.


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=lift me up

WolfsBanecreators' thoughts
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