

Finally, the celebration of the young prince 18th name day has come to an end. It has been very hectic and exhausting encounter for our main character.

Mu Lingxi feels like there are lot of things that transpired during the banquet, and it makes her a bit edgy and embarrass at the same time.

Especially whenever she tried to recall how her departure with Prince Long Fuzi ended up that night.

Among the small bridge stand two silhouette of a man and a lady. Their figure was slightly illuminated by the bright light of the moon. The night sky was clear and the stars were shining bright above them.

Prince Long Fuzi eyes never left Mu Lingxi's face. His eyes were burning with so much passion as he stare at her. It looks as if Prince Long Fuzi wanted to say something as he reached for Mu Lingxi's hand with trembling cold hands.

"Lady Lingxi, I truly enjoy your company, I would be more than willing to trade another ten years of my life just to spend another day with you by my side"

Facing this fervent confession from a guy matched with a romantic scene, Mu Lingxi was unsure what to do.

She tried to borrow ideas on how to deal with this kind of scenario using all the scenes she could remember from all the romantic movies she had watched before.

Yet every scenarios gave her the same ending and that makes even her hair tips blush just from thinking about it.

"This is the part where the male lead will going to held my face and kiss me! He was going to kiss me!!! EMEGED!!! What to do???!!! What to doooooo!!!! Gosh! I haven't brush my teeth yet!!! Gross!"

Mu Lingxi's mind was in utter chaos. Her temperature fired up as she started feeling hot all over her body.

It feels like thousand butterflies and dragonflies started to clash inside her stomach as she feel something rampaging inside her.

She retrieved her hand that was being held by Prince Long Fuzi as she casually turn her body sideways. She fan her face using her left hand.

"Phew! I---it's getting hot in here right????? HE-HE-HE" she said as she batted her eyes trying hard to calm herself.

Prince Long Fuzi was not sure why Mu Lingxi suddenly take her hand away from his grasp. He secretly put his hand just below his nose to take a sniff.

"I don't think my hand looks that dirty??! And the smell is decent as well?? Why is she being so cold all of a sudden?? Doesn't she like me???"

Seed of doubts started to blossom on Prince Long Fuzi's mind.

Feeling a little bit dejected, Prince Long Fuzi decided to step up his allure. He won't let this great opportunity escaped him just like that. He had been looking for this kind of unfamiliar yet at the same time, comforting company all this time. Now that he finally found it through Mu Lingxi, he won't give up on her that easy either.

"Lady Lingxi, I know we just met and we don't know each other that well. But my heart tell me that-----"

"W--wa--wait! Just wait! Hold on for a second!"

Mu Lingxi interrupted Prince Long Fuzi before he could even continue what he was about to say. Bids of sweat started to appear on her forehead as she held her stomach tightly.

Prince Long Fuzi was actually staring at the sky and was trying to take up some courage from the stars above them while he was trying to think of the words to express his emotion. That is why he have no idea that Mu Lingxi on his side was starting to have discomfort.

Watching as Mu Lingxi's face turned ashen and was seemingly enduring so much pain, Prince Long Fuzi's heart ache for her. He quickly carried her in his arms as he bring her away from the bridge.

He was half walking half running due to nervousness "Lady Lingxi?!! What happen? Are you hurt anywhere? Tell me!"

"BRRRRRTTTT" a soft whistle like sound disturbed the silence of the night, accompanied by a stinky smell.

Mu Lingxi wanted to hide her face too badly as she blushed all over.

"Bring me down this instant."

Prince Long Fuzi was compelled to follow as he put her down like a puppet with zero emotion. He don't know exactly how he would react at that moment.

"I need to use the toilet. Bye!" As she said that, Mu Lingxi walked away with unsteady steps. Her legs was crossing each other as if she was trying to hold something between her legs.

Not too long later, a black panther arrived and it take Mu Lingxi away leaving Prince Long Fuzi standing alone as cold breeze blew his hair.

He looked up again and the moon this time was hiding behind the clouds.

"I guess I just have to do it my way then."


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