

Afraid that his brother might misunderstood him, thinking that he already meet this girl beforehand without sharing it to him , he immediately replied.

"O--of course not. I--I d-don't know her???? You don't know me do you??! " Prince Long Yue directed his gaze to Mu Lingxi and eyed her as if saying

[ Don't you dare mess it up]


[I bet this prince really have a loose screw somewhere in his head???? What is he up to? I don't get him,,.. really!!! Can I give him a good beating? My paws are itching to give him a scratch or two.. HMMMM]

Mu Lingxi slightly raised her eyebrow but she decided to go with the flow.

" Of course this is my first time seeing young prince" she said with a sweet smile plastered on her face.

"Very well. Let me introduce you both to each other. Brother, this beautiful lady over here, is Lady Lingxi from the Mu Clan, and Lady Lingxi, this is my younger brother I mentioned before. Prince Long Yue"

Prince Long Fuzi casually introduced the two to each another. As if they are just talking to themselves without minding the audience.

Meanwhile, witnessing how her cousin was basking all the lime light, Mu Yanxiao was definitely not satisfied.

A palace maid who was busy serving the guest was about to walk past where Mu Yanxiao was sitting.

Not letting a good opportunity to pass just like that, Mu Yanxiao dexterously extended her long slender legs while no one is watching resulting the passing palace maid to lose her balance. The drinks that was being served to the guess spilled all over the lady sitting next to her.

The palace maid was so petrified when she realized what happen. She stared with her eyes wide open as the young miss beside her graciously stand up from her sit. It happen almost in slow motion in the eyes of the palace maid.

She nervously bowed her head and fall on her knees waiting for her doom. She know pretty well that this noble lady will surely not let her go that easy.

"Young miss, I beg your mercy. This servant has been too clumsy. I really didn't mean it. Please I beg you young miss"

The palace said as tears welled from her eyes. She was too scared to lift her head and see the glaring eyes of the guests present.

This is the banquet especially created for the celebration of the young prince's name day but as if her luck can't be any more hapless she had to create a scene as big like this and to top it all, the two princes was even present to witness this.

She continue to kneel, despairing until soft pale hands reached out at her trembling shoulders. Unknowingly this noble lady squatted at her front trying to comfort her, she can even smell the calming scent of this lady.

"Shhh... you dont have to worry. It's okay. It's just a dress I have many of this."

The young lady said gently as if trying to hush her crying.

The commotion attracted the attention of many including Mu Lingxi and the two princes.

Seeing Mu Yanxiao at her picturesque scene make the master and cat duo wanted to slap their foreheads and laugh out loud.


[Ohh yeah,.. how could we forgot this ever so charming cousin of yours???? HAHAHAHAHA!

She sure really deserved an Oscar award for her acting.]

Janus said in snide remarks.

Mu Lingxi on the other hand acted like she didn't notice anything. She was about to excuse herself but Prince Long Yue spoke.

"Ohh.. If I'm not mistaken that lady was Mu Yanxiao. Lady Lingxi's cousin am I right???" he said while looking at Mu Lingxi.

This young prince really did his assignment. He already done a good background checking and even memorize the name of Mu Lingxi's relatives.

"No Mister. you're very very wrong" Mu Lingxi badly wanted to tell him that, but of course this whole shit of prince and royalties thing stopped her for acting nasty.

"Yes my prince, she is indeed my cousin---"

"--And how I wish I could tie you both together in a snarl" she added on her mind.

Hearing her affirmation, Prince Long Yue walked towards where Mu Yanxiao was situated.

Seeing that the prince was on his way walking towards her, Mu Yanxiao secretly cheered her acting skills.

"HUH! Mu Lingxi, don't you ever think that you can outshine me. Not even once, you can't have Prince Long Yue for your own. You should know how to share your blessings cousin"

she thought to herself but her face was showing a very pitiful reaction as she looked to Prince Long Yue.

"My Prince, please pardon me for this untimely interruption. I never mean to ruin your celebration. I'm really sorry."Mu Yanxiao said as if she was very sorry for what happen.

Upon seeing a beautiful lady on her sorry state, the pride of a prince fired up for Prince Long Yue.

He magnanimously extended his arms to help Mu Yanxiao up as he called for the nearby servant.


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