

Mu Lingxi doesn't have much time to care for Ming Rijen, she brought it upon herself. Who the hell asked her to find trouble for Mu Lingxi? If she wished to blame someone, blame her capricious mouth for that.

Besides Mu Lingxi was not some sort of saintly being who will requite evil with good deeds. She won't bother to even look at you twice, but if you crossed her bottom line, then good luck lad because she will not show mercy.

Just like what happened to Ming Rijen, she did not give her a face at all. After letting go of her hand resulting in her falling back to the pond, she just left her there on her sorry state under the watchful eyes of the guests present on the banquet.

What about Yanxiao? Well, since she loves to act as the peacemaker, then she will let that ever so thoughtful cousin of hers play her favorite part. Let her play her role on the same show she orchestrated by herself.

"Hmph! Now try to soothe the situation and salvage the Mu's reputation just like what you always love to do"

she muttered to no one else in particular as she walked away looking for her cat.

While Mu Lingxi was busy looking for her missing cat, the culprit was actually squatting on the ground as if spying with someone.

He was carefully eyeing the little white cat that was standing alone in the middle of the grass fields. She was facing the ground and was busy sniffing as if trying to look for something.

"I never thought that I would still be able to see another living ancient cat on this world as well?"

Janus whispered under his breath.

It was a very cute white little cat. Its eyes have two colors, the left one has the color of the amethyst while the right one has the same color as the sky on a fair-weather day. It has a long, silky, inched-long fur. White as the moon's reflection on a tranquil lake.

Janus slowly went out in his hiding. When the other cat saw him, it was stunned for a while as it stared back at him. They started the staring contest. After a while, the white cat initiated the action.

***Insert "Cant You Feel The Love Tonight" as background***

"MEOW?" a small and sweet voice broke the silence.

[ Are you a real ANTEDILUVIAN CAT1???" ]


[ Yes I am. All along I believed that I am the sole survivor from that flood until I sense your presence here during the banquet. ]

Janus still can't believe what he was seeing.


[ I saw how that flood killed our brothers and sisters. They were mercilessly killed by that flood before my eyes. We try to run as fast as we could. I thought I would die just like that when I saw the flood was about to engulf me. But before I knew it I was teleported in this world. From then on, I wandered aimlessly here until a fine gentleman took me in his care. ]

the white cat narrated her experience all this time patiently. Her soft eyes were glazed by tears when she tried to recall her past. Maybe knowing the truth that there was another survivor aside her make her feel closer to this another cat.


[ I am so sorry to hear that. If I just knew earlier that there is another survivor in this world, I would have searched for you no matter what. ]

Janus was so delighted to confirm that there is another ANTEDILUVIAN CAT who survived the flood.


[ maybe this is the working of destiny. Maybe the deities finally took pity for me and decided to answer my pleas. That is why they send me here after the long wait. To meet you. ]

Janus declared romantically.


[ Never in my wildest dream I dare to think that someday, I will meet you. I thought I will forever be alone in this life. ]


[Not anymore. Now that I found you.]


the white cat purred shyly, if it just possible for a cat to blush, then she might be red from head to toe now.


Janus opened his mouth and produced a roaring sound. Something common for the feline family to do when they were trying to express their deep emotion.


the white cat roared back loud enough to match Janus' call.

In reality, these two cats were conversing through their mental link. If someone could see these cats, they will see that they were a few meters away from each other.

After issuing a deep cry. much like a roar, as if declaring their love they run to each other.

Everything seems to turn in slow motion as they run towards each other. Their heartbeats fast and they looked like two lovers who were about to be reunited again after a long time of waiting.

Yet as if fate was playing a sick joke before Janus could even reach the white cat, something weird happens. It was like the time got frozen all of a sudden. Even the grass around them seems to halt. He was left suspended in the air.

"Stop right there!!!" a deep clear voice shouted.

This man who abruptly intercepted the heartfelt reunion of these two cats was no other than Long Yue. While the white cat who was talking to Janus all this time was, of course, Long Yue's spiritual beast Luna.

Long Yue carefully lifted Luna and observed if she was hurt anywhere. When he saw that the black cat was about to pounce on his cat Luna, he did not hesitate to crush the magic pearl that his royal father gifted him for his name day. Right after he crushed it, the pearl turned into magical dust and swiftly flew towards Janus' direction.

"I'm so sorry Luna. I would never forgive myself if something bad happens to you." he hugged the cat as he glared at the black cat who was still suspended in the air.

"You beast! How dare you try hurting my Luna?!! Are you already that tired of living?"

he was burning from rage.


[ You fool! Who was trying to hurt your Luna?! Let me go! ]

Janus tries to exert some force to break free from the invisible power that was holding him in place! ]

"HUH! Don't you ever think of escaping from my magic pearl!" Long Yue sneered.


[ Ohh master,... It's not like what you're thinking. ] Luna lamented for her master's untimely interruption.

Unfortunately, Long Yue unlike Mu Lingxi can't understand his spiritual beast. He doesn't have a mental link with Luna so all he heard was Luna's soft meowing.


[ This boy, stop making a fool out of yourself and quickly release me before I cut your throat!" ]

Janus bared his pang as he became more aggressive and started turning into a black panther.

Long Yue was stunned for a second when he saw the little black cat was slowly turning into a huge black panther.

He felt that the magic around the black panther was wearing down so he immediately took out his wand ready to reinforce the magic around the growing panther.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the emperor was secretly sending his sons prince to Magus Academia. Long Yue right now an amateur warlock in the red realm.

Magus Academia has some sort of system to measure the rank of its students. They were divided into seven realms. Namely the Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet Realm. Violet realm being the most powerful and highest existence. Each realm was subdivided into five levels, the amateur as the starting point then going up to intermediate, professional, senior then lastly is the master level.

Seeing her master getting serious to get rid of her newfound lover, Luna meowed in protest.


[ Master,.. please. Don't spoil my love life!!! ]


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Credit to icecream_lovers8 for giving me an idea of putting the background music.

Thanks for the piece of advice.

WolfsBanecreators' thoughts
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