

Mu Lingxi wakes up and the bright reflection of the sun blinded her.

"Hey! close the window, what do you want?!" she asked groggily to her black cat who undeniably open the window intentionally to wake her.


[ It's time to wake up little lass. Your grandfather has been waiting for you since this morning and kept asking Yanyan to send you. ]

the cat replied while lazily stretching it's back.

"AHRGG... five more minutes!"

She mumbled as she slumped back to her bed and covered her eyes using one of her pillows.


[ As you wish ]

the cat said that but not right after jumping to Lingxi's bed. Then as if not contended he climbs to Mu Lingxi's back who was currently laying face down.

The little black cat pad back and forth at her back as if doing some modeling while using Mu Lingxi's back as the runaway platform.


[ Ohh... you still refuse to get up? Well, I still had another trick. ]

Seeing that his move is not working, the cat change tactic. Instead, he started rolling all over the bed and sometimes playing with Lingxi's long hair.

"Okay! okay! I got you... I'll be getting up then... HAIXT!!! This cat!"

She said irritably as she stands up and started washing her face. She changed her clothes as well since she was still wearing the same clothes that she had been wearing since last night.

She forgot to change it before going to bed because she immediately fell asleep right after hitting her bed due to exhaustion.

Soon Mu Lingxi can be seen walking with a cat beside her, and Yanyan following behind. She arrived at the main hall and when she entered, the place was already full. She walked directly to the line for the younger generation and stand beside Mu Yanxiao.

"Had a nice sleep?"

Mu Yanxiao asked her with a smile. If Lingxi was not aware of Yanxiao's attitude, she might think that the girl just wanted to have a good chat with her.

But she knows better than that, and she doesn't have time to play with her. She just pretended she did not hear anything and continue to ignore Yanxiao.


Yanxiao cleared her throat when she noticed that Lingxi does not have any intention to answer her so she continued.

"In any case, it's good that you are here and we can finally start the meeting. I wonder what took grandfather so long to announce it. We've been here since early this morning."

Mu Yanxiao commented innocently. Loud enough to be heard

by other clan disciples that were present nearby.

Soon, everyone started to cast weird gazes to Mu Lingxi and whispered to each other. Most likely they were blaming her for the delay of the meeting.

Mu Lingxi somehow felt guilty cause she knows well enough that it was her fault. But of course, she can't help notice the sarcastic smile of her cousin that incited this.

"How I wish I could personally wipe that smile on your face. It was so irritating."

She thought to herself.


The old man in the middle of the elevated platform cleared his throat and everyone fell silent. He carefully scans all faces present in the hall until it landed on Mu Lingxi and he smiles slightly.

When the old man was sure that everyone is already present, he stands up and started the meeting. This old man was no other than the clan head, Mu Ruochen. Mu Lingxi's grandfather.

"I gather all of you here to make some announcement"

he started.

"Yesterday his majesty personally deliver an invitation to our Mu Clan. He wanted our clan to attend the banquet on the 9th day of the month, which is exactly three days from now. It was the 18th name day of the youngest prince and that will be held in the palace."

Everyone discussed it upon themselves. It was evident that all of them wants to take part in this event because it can serve as a platform of socialization where they can show off to their rivals and at the same time seek allies from other powerful families.

It could not be just a simple banquet. They understand that this so-called celebration of the young price name day was more than that.

"We should prepare valuable gifts for this event" one of the elders announced.

"Not just valuable but a rare one as well. We can't attend a palace gathering and just handed them a typical gift unless we would like to lose face."

The others seconded.

Soon other elders voice their opinion about the matter.

"It's good that you understand the importance of this matter. Hence I would delegate the work of finding the best gift for every one of you. Anyone who could present me a suitable gift for the prince will be generously rewarded."

Mu Ruochen further incited the crowd with the reward.

"Also, I would like you to select every young miss that we could possibly bring to the banquet. And let them prepare for the event in three days" he added

"With that, all be said. You are now dismissed"

the meeting just ended as brief like that.

Everyone was preoccupied thinking about the task at hand as they slowly walked away from the main hall one by one. No one noticed that after they were dismissed, Mu Ruochen asked one of his servants to go and fetched Mu Lingxi and Mu Yanxiao.

The two young ladies waited until the crowd disappeared before they walk towards their grandfather.


Mu Yanxiao curtsied gracefully before Mu Lingxi could even halt her step. As a result, Mu Lingxi failed to greet his grandfather properly.

So instead, she just called out her grandfather.

"Grandfather...." she called out playfully with a bright smile showing her pearl white teeth.

"This granddaughter of yours misses you a lot."

She added while pouting her mouth like a spoiled brat.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Mu Ruochen laugh loudly seeing both of his granddaughters.

Both were his doted grandchild but each has its own character. Mu Yanxiao was a mature young lady. Prim and proper. Just a single glance was enough to know that this young girl came from an illustrated family and had a high education since childhood.

On the other hand, Mu Lingxi was like a fresh flower with a warm smile just like a summer breeze. Who has a playful and loving aura that would make every man feel the urge to dote her. He could never see the reason why others used to call Mu Lingxi as a cold beauty.

"I want both of you to prepare especially for this event. I would contact the best seamstress in the city to tailor the finest dresses for you two. I want you guys to look best at the banquet. Everyone will be bringing their young miss to the party but I would like you to stand out among them. We will show them that only the Mu Clan can raise the suitable bride for the crown prince and even for the young prince. Do you understand?" He said sternly.

"This granddaughter shall obey''

Yanxiao answered without any emotion while Lingxi just furrowed her eyebrows as she bows her head.

It was obvious that his grandfather intended to send both of them inside the palace in the near future. Either they marry the crown prince or the other princes available.


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