What would happen if you woke up as the opposite sex, and discovered not only were you 500 years in the future but aliens had colonized your world and were responsible for your first death? It was a massive conspiracy and Jenny must do everything she can to keep her reincarnation a secret from her friends family and most importantly the government. Follow along as Jenny navigates life as a high school girl in the future while trying to find out how she died. She soon realizes this is her chance to climb to the top and take over everything instead of being the fools who gets blown up in a plane.
July 4th, 2519. Neo-States of America. Independence Day. 8AM
I woke up in a puddle of sweat, "What happened? Didn't my plane explode?" I started to lay back down in the bed i was in to collect my thoughts.
I was on my way to a secret meeting between my country and the entire world government leadership. It was to discuss the recent events that involved the Visitors claiming peace and friendship. I had been talking with the flight attendant who had been flirting with me. When out of nowhere the man next to me jumps from his seat and screams, "We are all gonna die! Its the end of days." I look at him and calmly say, "All right buddy, that's enough calm down." "We can talk about this." I try to negotiate with him. "Whats your name?"
Thats when he ripped open his shirt revealing a bomb vest and my mind immediately thought, (F*ck i'm gonna die.) He obviously had no intention of calming down, or giving his name. Then i felt an intense heat, as a fireball engulfed my body and the entire plane. Then nothing.
My awareness came back to my body lying in the bed. My head was in a lot of pain. I grabbed my head with my hand and felt bandages. "I guess i lived? With nothing but a head injury" i whispered. As I brought my hand down, i saw my hand and it was a very thin and small hand. There was almost no hair on my forearms, and my nails had a bright green nail polish.
"Huh, why are my nails painted?", i said out loud with a normal volume. Then i heard my voice. It was very high pitched. What is going on? "Why is my voice so high?" I start to freak out, "where is a mirror i need to see the damage."
I spot a mirror in the corner and sit up in the bed and I attempt to walk over but instead i stumble out of bed, "Why is my body smaller and harder to move in?" I look in the mirror and nearly pass out again. "I'm a girl!"
When I recover again I look in the mirror and see that I'm wearing a black négligée that covers my breasts and my lower private area. I see that my head was covered In bandages, but i could still see bright red hair sticking through in some places, my chest was rising up and down as i was hyperventilating. "I have breasts. I have breasts! I HAVE BREASTS!"
I reached up and grabbed them with my small hands, and squeezed them. A sharp jolt of electricity spread through my nerves when my hand squeezed my breasts. It felt so good that my knees buckled and i fell down in front of the mirror with my legs in a w pattern.
I looked at my face, "I look around fifteen or sixteen. What is going on? Why do i look like this?" My eyes looked down at the girl in the mirrors- i eyed her private area. "If i have breasts then i must have that." I pulled down the shorts i was wearing and looked at it through the mirror. It was real and i confirmed I was a girl.
I quickly pulled the shorts back up and started to calm down, "how did this happen? I was flying, then that man blew us all up. Now i'm a girl?!?" "What sense does that make?" I said out loud. I looked around the room i was in, there was a bed that i had been laying on, the mirror in front of me, a desk with a chair in front of it, and two doors - one to the left of the mirror and one to the right of the mirror.
"Huh, no television and no phone?" What kid did not have a tv or at least a phone screen in their room? "Really isn't this supposed to be a teenage girls room? "She must have a phone somewhere, I need the Internet to find out what happened." I said out loud.
I stood up and went to the bed to look for a phone. There was nothing. I went to the desk and opened a drawer, there was some knick knacks and some other odds and ends. I was about to close the drawer when my head started to hurt. I grabbed it and immediately had a memory of sitting in the chair and using my phone, i sat down and said PHONE START a bright screen appeared in my vision and i started to open my comm device and call my best friend Jessica.
The screen changed to a black box with Jessica's name and a timer of how long I had been talking to her. It started to count up.
She answered after the second ring. "Hey Jenny what's going on? how are you girl?" Jessica asked. "I'm good, just getting ready for bed, im so excited for school next week. I can't believe we are going to be high school girls!" Jenny shouted.
Jenny looked at her calendar Monday July 3, 2519 9:30 PM
Only seven days before she became a freshwoman at Sanders High School. "I'm so excited to join the mech program Jessica." Jenny said. "Well it was a surprise to see that you wanted to join the mech program, usually only guys join, its like ninety percent guys. There is only about 10 girls that join every year." Jessica said. She continued, "why didn't you pick starship captain or flight school?"
"There is just something special about being able to pilot a five thousand pound machine and get it to do exactly what you want." "Plus fighting close quarters is more my style than leadership or flight controller."
The memory started to disappear, and I returned to my room standing over the desk. That was weird, I start to zone out not really focusing on the memory except for how to turn on my phone. I immediately said PHONE START and The screen i had seen in the memory appeared.
"Since when had technology gotten this advanced?" I sat down at the desk and looked at the open page. It was an application for a military college. "I guess this girl was looking at colleges before she went to bed." I minimized the screen and saved it for later while i opened a new one. It brought me to a screen that looked very familiar google.com
Alright this is familiar, lets start with a search first. I was about to search plane explosion when i looked at the screen calendar July 4, 2519. 8:04AM
500 YEARS! I woke 500 years in the future?!? I passed out for real this time.