

After closing the door Sera locked it quickly and lay down on the bed. And closed her eyes for a while.

"Why did you do that ?" Sera said in that empty room

"What ?" someone giggled

"Why did you took control over me back in the party? You promised me that you will not repeat those things" Sera said with a hint of annoyance

"If I wouldn't done that you will be end up crying again" Small Sera arrogantly said she actually mean that 'I am sick of crying dude'

".." Sera just ignored her

"Stop being an ass and Lemme do what I want" Small Sera said while standing like a stubborn child putting her both hands on her waist.

"What do you want to do now?" Sera said while getting up and looking at her tiredlessly

"I want to destroy them" Small Sera said with that demonic voice of her

"They are my fami-" Before Sera could finish her words the small start laughing loudly

Sera just ignored her and stared at her blankly.

"Oh sorry please sorry" Small Sera apologized unsincerely while swapping those tears from her eyes.

"But please dude they are not your family, When the hell you will learn that you are alone" Small Sera said with a sudden dark aura and cold voice

"No they are my family" Sera said stubbornly only she knows how much she have sacrificed for this family that how much she want to have this family.

"Who your that step brother that assault your little ass or your step father whom you are not sure that he is on your side or of course with his own blood or your real father who don't even care about your existence or your mother whom you left behind or your friends who are good for nothing" Small Sera stated facts sarcastically

Sera stared at her with those deep sharp eyes, staring at her like she was about to dig the daggers deep inside her heart

"Oh sorry I missed your little ass bitch, Ran your friend oops she is not your friend in real life she is actually your -" Small Sera was going to dig even more.

"Shut the fuck up" Sera said with those bloody eyes, She was actually angry after a really long time that same anger feeling was mind blowing to see and was amazing to watch for small Sera, She just loved it.

"Oh Babe, that's why I say know your worth, you don't deserve to be wasted on someone who don't deserve you" Small Sera said while tapping her finger on Sera's beating heart.

Sera can see that flame in her devil like eyes, she can't believe she was used to be like that and now she is just an coward running away from the reality.

Before she could say something to her, suddenly her phone buzzed. The moment she looked back at small Sera she was already vanished . After that she just walk towards her phone, It was a direct message from an unknown number but she knew who could be that person.

"You okay?"

"Yea I am fine" Sera typed

"I know you aren't stop being tough on yourself"

"I AM FINE, and am not worrying" Sera typed

"When will you start the show, I can't wait anymore"

"Soon but first I need to find something" Sera typed

"Okay and You know that I am here for you no matter what. Right?"

"Yea" Sera typed and switch off her phone and look at the moon and sighed deeply.


Shane didn't sleep all night and get up for a walk but after few minutes he actually end up infront of Sera's room. He looked at the closed door for a moment, he tried to move up his hand to knock several time but then he end up not knocking.

''cough-cough' "Young man don't hesitate and knock" The old lady teased her and walked away

He feel pathetic and wanted to explain that he don't know how he end up here. But finally he knocked but no one answered.

He knocked again but still nobody answered, he didn't know what to do, after knocking several time no one answered. So he opened the door it was unexpectedly unlocked and enter the room. It was clean like nobody never stayed their, he thought she already left.

So he moved around the room, there was nothing not even her trace like she wasn't even stayed their in that room.

But he heard the door opening behind him, he reflexively turned back and get bumped into her. She was all wet and wearing a plain neat dress of simple blue colour, her hair were wet landing on her shoulder rapped with the towel. She just come outside after taking the shower and didn't expect Shane to be here.

She was a natural beauty, she was making that plain blue dress look like a best trending dress in the market with her simple looks.

Shane didn't know how long he have stared at her beauty.

"Oh sorry" Only after he realized what happened he turn away his gaze and apologized repeatedly and get out of the room.

But his footsteps stopped at the door and without even looking back he said with a calm yet cold voice "Breakfast is ready"

Then he left after closing the door, and straight go to the kitchen where that old lady was singing happily like she have achieved her only goal.

He just ignored her and sit on the chair, soon Sera also come and sit infront of him. He didn't even look at her and start eating.

She greeted the old lady sweetly "Good morning"

That old lady smiled happily "Good morning sweet heart"

Shane was about to choke after hearing the words of the old lady but he controlled, she never greeted him this politely ever in his life.

" Oh my you are looking gorgeous in that dress my lady" That old lady complimented her

"Thank you for giving this dress" Sera smiled at her politely, she give her this dress early in the morning. This dress was actually pretty and upto her taste.

"Right Shane? She look so pretty" The old lady intentionally asked him

Shane took a quick look, she just rapped her half hair in a ponytail and rest of her hair were open and landed on her shoulder. Her long black hair were so beautiful enhancing her beauty.

But he didn't even notice when his quick look turned into a stare.

And that old lady coughed again, then finally Shane came back to her senses "Yea"

He didn't say more and started eating his food. Sera just smiled at the old lady and start eating her breakfast.

But now when he thinks carefully 'She is actually not that beautiful, she is beyond beautiful' He said in his mind and smiled but he wasn't aware that this old lady was noticing his every action.

Next chapter