
36 Change of Career

Being the eldest, my father wanted me to take part in the business since the time in memorial. He instilled in me that I would be his female version, a top business tycoon and so I should take up Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Though I was quite interested in doing business, I also wanted a career that would cater my interest. So I resisted because since toddler I already vividly desired to be a nurse who will humbly take care of patients specially children.

During my younger years, I love to play a nurse with my siblings and other playmates. I, the nurse who owned the hospital with my subordinates as my colleagues in the ward and others would take the role of patients who can't pay bills. Subconsciously, I really had an interest im business but maybe it has something to do on medical world.

When I was in college, I took extra Business Administration subjects to satisfy my father. As soon as I graduated, he insisted that I should immerse myself to business but I asked him to give me time to test my ability in the nursing profession. Gladly, he agreed.

Now that I have quitted my job, literally I am jobless. I am carefully thinking of hitting two birds with one stone and reconsidering the offer of entering our family business, but my father made no mention of me entering the business. Maybe, he was just waiting for me to be the first to bring it out and talk about it. I have decided, I will use our business' power and influence to crush that monster Rona to ground.

Togetther, we were in the roof deck to take more instagrammable photos. We were looking at the view when passing through the Canton Tower, father asked me "how are you Mia?" I felt awkward. We were together all the time in this trip so I know what he was referring to. Maybe, he was testing the water so he will know how to deal with me and the situation. l have to go straight then so he will have the control of where to put me in the vast family business.

"I want to be in the business dad."

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