
I wish you happiness

"The Norman and the Tudor families have held onto their black Eyes of True Sight for too long." Noticing Ren Xiaosu's confusion, Chen Jingshu explained with a smile, "See, the allocation of resources in the entire Kingdom of Sorcerers is decided by them. Over time, it would naturally arouse the dissatisfaction of the other clans."

Puzzled, Ren Xiaosu asked, "Possessing the black Eye of True Sight is nothing more than just having the ability to cast more powerful spells. So how is that related to the allocation of resources?"

Chen Jingshu shook her head. "You don't own a black Eye of True Sight, so you don't understand the mystery behind it. Only those who've possessed it before understand its secret. Why else do you think the Norman and the Tudor families can occupy the capital?"

Ren Xiaosu glanced at Chen Jingshu. "You're speaking like your bounty hunter organization has a black Eye of True Sight."

Sorry y'all don't have one, but I do!

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