

The events that happened to me last day made me worry that what kind of time distortions are they resolving in their routine. Somehow I was getting a feeling that I would be knowing it very soon.

The next day after my fresh and unwilling recruitment in the so called association TIME, I got college on time.

There I saw that girl but didn't think to talk to her. As I set on chair the boy sitting next to me greeted me with a smile, I greeted him back. He said, "I am Nile Ryder, nice to meet you. And do you remember me from the last day?". I was scratching my head and trying to remember that where could I have seen him last day, then a sudden assumption came in my mind that he might be the member of TIME, cause he particularly asked about yesterday . So I said, "hello, I am Noah Xavier, nice to meet you too. By any chance do you know about the organization TIME?". As I said that, Nile's expressions suddenly changed to anxiousness and he put his finger on his lips and said,"Shhh, keep it down a little, yeah you guessed it right I am from that organization. You see it is ment to keep secret from everyone, so please keep it in down tone in public." I agreed to him. Then I said, "So everyone in the TIME has special abilities?". Nile wasn't very surprised by that question and said, "Not everyone but the task force that carries out the field work, and you're in task force with me." I wasn't surprised by him saying that I am in the task force because that was the first reason for my recruitment in the TIME.

I said,"So you too have powers huh, what kind of powers you have?". He said, "There may be many superhumans in this world but in the association TIME the members only have time related abilities, as you can see you can freeze anyone in time. And my ability is to see the future events. All our abilities are recorded in the data at headquarters. So you can analyse further information there. I was wondering if he was joking or saying the truth so I asked him to prove his statement. Then he said,"Do you see that boy walking towards us?". I said, "Yes, what about him?". He replied,"When he will have passed by us he will bump into another guy and they both will fall on the floor." I was wondering if he is saying the truth or not cause there wasn't anybody in the hallway in my sight. So I waited that boy to pass by me and Nile. When he had just passed by us then a boy started approaching with a great rush, he wasn't even watching in front of him and then the both got bumped into each other and fall on the ground. He approached them and helped him. I had no doubts about him after seeing that ability. Then the college bell rang and we went into our classrooms. Nile is a nice guy, I didn't know that there are very nice guys in this college at all. When the college hours ended then I asked Nile to walk home together. He replied positively. On the way we were at a casual talk but then I thought I could ask him something and then said, "So what work do you guys really do?,I mean in full explanation cause that girl didn't give me the whole explanation."

Nile replied,"So I see, you're curious about are real job at TIME and want to know everything. I assure you that your thrust for information will be settled down after working with us in 2 or 3 missions. Until then don't get distress about it, you won't be forced for tough choices since you're a rookie now."

It assured and upset me at the same time, as he is saying that everything will be fine and at simultaneously he is saying that I am a rookie. As we were about to part ways toward our own homes. I heard a loud voice that says,"Wait, you too. There's an emergency mission!". We both stopped our feet as we heard the voice, when turned our heads in the direction of that voice, we saw that girl who forced me to join the TIME. Suddenly I felt a shivering in whole body and my guts were telling me that something weird and dangerous is about to hit me again.

Then Nile said to us ,"You too head to the headquarters, I'll meet you there."and he left for the headquarters. That was awkward cause she was dragging me to the headquarters like I will be getting away again, just because I heard it's an emergency mission. On the way I said, "I know it's not the time for this now but, What's you're name?,beause you know mine but I don't know yours. Since we are comrades now so we should know each other." What the heck was I saying, this whole thing is making situation more awkward . But she said,"Ok, It's Zoe Cooper. And now pay you're attention to the emergency mission please. I got a short message that some time distortion caused the birth to a unidentified living object made of the dirty an toxic water. And we have to deal with that discontinuity." I was sweating with fear but in front of her I can only say the things that a guys should say in this situation. I said,"Don't worry Zoe, I'll protect you no matter what the situation throws at me. Let's fight that discontinuity or whatever with our all might." Her face was expressionless as always ans she said, "Don't act tough, I know you're scared to death now, after you're now just a rookie. And the part where you're saving me I doubt about that but leave it now."

Why is everyone pointing out that I am a rookie. Man she's so direct and harsh. But as we were talking we approached the headquarters. We met Nile there. And the a guy came there in an official outfit an said, "Good evening agents of TIME, I am Chase Hendrix, the head of this squad's actions. I see that there is a new member with us,but I'll cut to the point cause there's no time about the intros now. So the case description is that your comrade who can detect distortion, detected the distortion near a research facility in the town and report says there is an unknown object too. So observe the situation, find the cause of distortion and remove both the problems. I'll be in touch simultaneously."After the meeting we head for the research facility and started the observation at facility. We were walking down the hallway in dark, in this mission Mr. Hendrix sent us three, Me,Zoe and Nile.

The situation was already creepy but then I heard th water flowing and draining voices. It made me very scared. When I turned my face to Zoe, she said, "You're going to protect me huh, I am feeling very safe now." Man she's pulling my leg when i am scared to death. The suddenly Nile said, "This is bad, I can't see clearly but we will be in danger soon." As he stopped talking, ominous silent spread at the scene. And from a flickering light of a broken lamp we saw a huge liquidity figure approaching us. I was frozen with fear. Zoe said,"What's wrong with you, you were supposed to be stopping that thing in time not freezing yourself in fear. Rookie, get ahold yourself." The monster launched a powerful attack at us with huge waves of water.

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