
Chapter 49

"You think that you could mistreat, could use The women's of MY Kingdom" while saying all this Iris have already made her way to front of Duke Rhuo.

He got startled, in hurry draw out his sword, point it towards Iris, seeing this Knight try to step forward but Iris gesture them lifting her hand to leave it to her

"You..... You're just a women... Yeah just a women with Royal blood and have nothing else" Duke Rhuo said, slowly regaining his confidence 'yeah right she's just a young women, what can she do?'

"oh, is that so Lord Rhuo. so you mean you're more worthy than me for the throne?" said Iris in sarcastic tone.

"Yes..... yes I am" he said thinking that he have suppressed the princess with his words. ( author: he's too much in delusion)

"so, why are you scared Lord Rhuo that you have to draw your sword out to protect yourself" she chuckle after saying that.

"Now that you've already challenged me with your sword, I have no reason to not help you meeting your death today" she said, in an instant a ice sword formed through her hand.

Everyone got dumbfounded, Duke Rhuo's thoughts were a mess 'how could I forgot about that incident thirteen year's ago, the blessing given to princess'

His hands trembled, he again head that sweet yet cold voice "let's start Lord Rhuo, I swear upon my blood if you win against me I'll give up my throne and let you be the King"

Hearing her words everyone including general Kuan's eyes got widened, he have trust in Princess's abilities but still.

Seeing the princess's confidence, Duke Rhuo got shaken a bit inside but have his I-will-win appearance outside.

"let's start then" said Iris.

Duke Rhuo swing his sword towards Iris to attack first but in a Swift moment Iris avoid the attack and caught hold of his other wrist.

"You used these hands to touch my Kingdom's ladies, how about if I remove them" Just then his hand to his wrist got Froze and become numb, as it turns into ice, the Iris cuts that iced hand through her sword.

Duke Rhuo screamed at the top of lungs "Ahhhhhhh, you bi*ch... I'll kill you, you witch" he shot forward to attack with his other hand holding the sword looking like a mad dog.

This time Iris did not even shift to avoid his attack instead, she swiftly cut his other hand with her sword without freezing it, Everyone got frightened looking at her speed. They didn't able to clearly noticed her movements.

The next second Duke Rhuo dropped on ground in front of her, this time General Kuan stepped forward to kill him, as he cannot be able to control his anger further.

But Iris again stop him saying "General Kuan, not right now, You can't kill him.

He will die but not from your hands, neither mine."

"Knights capture him, and follow me to the town"




In the town everyone is still scared of Duke Rhuo and have not leave their houses.

A Knight made announcement which made everyone to come out to look at the situation.

Opsi again a cliffhanger right, so wait till tomorrow hehe. ok readers serious topic, many of you are silent readers i guess, but guys and girls you need to comment to at least let me know what do you like or dislike about my work, so i could improve it.

so please comment and give reviews, vote for my work if you like it.


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