
Blood spirit ( Fourth Part )

With the help of everybody, the traps set in place in a matter of time before they lure the spirit beast outside of the pond. 'White drake, do you have any means to lure that beast from the pond?'

'Aren't it is easy? Even something this easy, you still ask me?' White drake replies in his yawn voice.

'Don't beat around the bush, I have tried many methods. Yet, not even one was worked.' After many attempted to lure the spirit who guards the snow lotus away from the pond, yet, there is no movement it was as if the beast did not care about them, to begin with.

'Just take the snow lotus. That stupid lizard will definitely follow you to the end of the earth.' White drake already has a glimpse of what that lizard waiting for after scanning the aura within the pond. The moment the snow lotus bloom, it is also the moment that it will able to breakthrough to the Soul temper realm. With help from this spiritual herb, its chance to breakthrough will be a hundred percent without a double.

'What! Are you joking around? How do we suppose to take it? Do you want to send me to the nether world?' The suggestion from White drake is likely to send him on a journey to yellow spring. With the lizard in its domain, how can they pick the lotuses? Then, these few days of setting the trap and killing these little lizards will be a waste if they cannot lure the beast from its stronghold.

'Hah! What are you talking about? Just picking a lotus, you also need life to exchange with it?' White drake almost bursts out laughing when he heard what William just said. 'I can help you with the exchange of a promise.'

'What do you want?' His points already suck dried by White drake when he requested help from it last time to cure Benak and also Carone while he is at it. White drake did not joke around about being cost him dearly. He almost pukes out blood when he saw the counter reach zero.

'Hmm, I cannot think of it for now, but I will tell you in the future. Just remember that you owe me a promise that all.' White drake does not want to tell William now for what to come in the future.

'I have a bad feeling about this. No, I want to know now, or else I will die trying by myself.' William does not buy-in with this bunch of nonsense from White drake.

'It is not good, you need to reach at least the Soul temper realm before you can fulfill my wish. So, I will tell you when the time comes. By that time, you will be able to defend yourself from what is coming.' This is the chance of earning its bright future in one of the thousand chances. How could it gonna waste this good opportunity?

'It is not something that bad for you or me. Both of us will gain, ...' The words both of us will gain echo in William's ear in a pleasant voice, yet, he always feels something was off about the air when he heard those words.

'Find, I promise you.' When William mentions that he will fulfill a promise for White drake, the closed-door within his pocket dimension appeared to have inscribed something on it. If one does not notice it, no one will find out about what's happened on it. Rosy in her snake-like feature form also opens her cute eyes for only a brief moment before closing it again.

'Okay, it is easy, you just need to touch the pond surface with your bare hand and leave the rest to me.' White drake instructs William what to do next.


"Everyone prepare! we are going to face the adversity that we might never face before." William with only being in the mortal body refinement realm since all three of Nacorn's team has already reached the elemental realm first stage. Besides Vernora who stays with the bear spirit beast in the cave not far away from their ambush location, everyone follows what William instructs them to do.

"Are you ready?" William confirms again with everybody.

"Yes, we are ready." Nacorn, Carone, Benak, the trio replies in firm expression at the same time.

William with Benak behind him comes to the edge of the pond, after checking that there is no ambush from the lizards' spirit beast. William places his left hand over the surface of the water of the pond, but what comes next making them speechless to the core.

The pond water's become to vibrate where his hand touches it, and there seems to be a black hole that sucks everything including the water of the pond itself. Before William could catch what is happening, everything includes the lotuses and the pond water has already arrived within the pocket dimension of his. Due to his stun expression, Benak who also surprise for a brief of the moment before catch William's waist and runs for their lives when a tail suddenly lands heavily on the edge of the pond where William just kneels at that location a moment ago. No! it is a place where it is used to be a pond. The angry roar causes many birds within the vicinity to fly in dismay.

Benak who catches William by his waist as he runs toward where the trap being set because there a giant lizard always follows behind him pretty close to his tail. Heavy sweat could be seen as he runs for his life at full speed. He really wants to have at least two more legs, so he can run faster than he currently at. With these damn fogging and rocky environment, include the old trees everywhere that it is hard to find a better path for running, Benak could run faster than this. If there is no mark left behind on the tree to guide him where there trap being set, Benak might already be lost his path.

How can one still calm when there is a giant follows behind you not to mention that giant is being raged at you. The land shaking every time the giant lizard walk, Nacorn, and Carone both have sweat over their forehead. Never would they dream that such a small pond could be a housing for a giant like this. Compare to the small creature that they fight these few days, it is not worth mentioning at all. No wonder, this is a dead zone, its reputation has had not failed its given name.

'What's happening?' William is engaging with White drake about the suction. Such a big pond, how could it become empty for only a few seconds after he touching it. How could he explain what happens to everyone?

'Oh, about that, don't I tell you to take the lotus, am I? I am about to explain the process of how but you won't believe me no matter what. So, I might as well prove it with evidence.' White drake just spouts some nonsense toward William instead of honestly answer him. 'By the way, is this the right timing to question what has happened?' White drake just shows him the event that currently occurs in the outside world. Seeing Benak runs for his life with himself being carried in a stun expression. William comes to his sense again.

"Benak, we have to change the tactic. With such a giant spirit beast follow behind us, there is no way will our traps be work." After regaining his composure, William talks to Benak who carrying him as Benak runs toward the trap location. Even the bombs won't be able to kill this giant lizard, but how can they deal with this spirit beast. It is only a matter of time before it catches up with them.

White drake said that this spirit beast will follow them toward the end of the earth. 'Ah, that stupid drake finally spoke the truth for one.' William inner though cause White drake to cough for a few times before it hoves in the air and wave without caring what William just cursing.

Benak changes his running path after William told him, too. He circles around their trapping location instead of running at the straight preset path.

After thinking of something, William tries to take some action. "Benak, there is a blind sport over there, hide in there for a brief moment."


'To deal with this beast, I have a suggestion. However, if it does not work, do not blame me.' White drake suddenly thinking about the spirit soil location. While being raged, this beast will destroy everything that comes into its path, right? Why not try it?

'Go to the West direction. That is the direction of the spirit soil. If you could pull this off, the final victory will be yours. One more, you need to go there alone.' Even White drake itself does not know clearly what is happening at the spirit soil location without seeing personally.

'Okay!' Without waiting for White drake to continue further, William could only follow its suggestion.


"Benak, I know you have your own agenda when I hired you, but you have earned my approval. I don't know if we can live and go back. But for now, I need you to distract this lizard for a little bit..." William knows that this giant lizard will follow him one it has seen him. Because he is the one who stole its treasure. After Benak understands what William trying to pull, he refuses to follow William's suggestion. Yet, after seeing how determined William's eyes showing him. He could only accept William's request unwillingly.

"William you have to come back in one peace." A sudden shake over the rock that covers their blind sport meaning that the giant lizard already nearby them. A swift shadow appears before the lizard's red eyes as it runs toward the South where many explosive traps already set beforehand.

After Benak lures the spirit beast aways from him till a safe distance, William runs toward the direction where White drake navigates him the entire time. Because of the heavy fogs, it is hard to no know which direction he needs to go.

The moment William runs out from concealment, he used a flare to light up this dens fogs forest, the giant lizard also stops following Benak when it sees clear where the chief criminal is. Instead, it swings its tail over a dead tree trunk which sent flying over where William just stays. As he avoids the dead tree trunk with only a few inches missing over his forehead. The palpation of each sweat droplet sensation reminds him of how much danger he is going to face.

Without the help of White drake, he would not be able to avoid the surprise attack from the giant lizard as it makes its way toward William. 'It is not far before you arrived at that place, so be careful now.' White drake gave a reminder. The giant lizard pause for a brief moment before it decides to follow William into the dense fog vicinity.


'Haha, these little ants are not bad. Ants are always ants when they meet with foods they will die trying to claim it. This is good since it has been a long time that this place has some entertainment.' These few days with the way William's team working to claim the spiritual lotuses, it has observed his team every movement. The way William's team deal with the lizard spirit beasts, changing the thought for its initiated judgment.

When William sucks dried the pond, a glint smiling could be seen by naked eyes if someone stays close to it. Not to mention, when William running toward its own domain.


When William passed the dense fog domain everything has changed, there is no longer heavy fog in these vicinities as everything becomes clear to the eyes. Instead of a beautiful forest, there is only a huge amount of remaining skeletons from many species of the spirit beast include humans, too. The eerie from the view brought William to another height of the emergency though. There he sees a cave in the middle of this eerie place where the remaining skeletons pack up like a mountain. 'What is this place?' William murmurs to himself. 'So, that's it.' White drake finally understands the feeling it received.

'William, this is a blood sacrifice formation that is used to revive some entity. For the blood sacrifice to succeed, they need a lot of sacrifices object. I don't know if you were lucky enough to survive this trial.'

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