
Chapter 22

"Your Highness. It's time to wake up." 

Heaven could hear her handmaiden pleading with her to wake up, but she didn't feel like getting out of bed today. Waking up would mean dealing with her thoughts and emotions, and she didn't have the energy to do that. 

"Your Highness. If you tell me to leave, I will." Kate spoke. 

She was such a gentle soul, and Heaven didn't want to be rude to her. 

"Why don't you come back later." She told her. 

"How much later, Your Highness?" 

"Later." Heaven groaned, still half asleep. 

Heaven could hear Kate's footsteps and then the opening and closing of the door. Finally, she was alone. 

She closed her eyes, but the silver-eyed stranger was still haunting her even while awake. Those sad eyes. There was so much pain and hatred in them. 

Why did the witches kill his family? Was it because of the animosity between the races or was there something else?


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