
Demi-Human is not Beastmen

Long time ago, deep in the mountains of Dwermer, in the Valley of life, lies the most magnificent City of Dwarven called Dwertur. It's the large Dwarven city, a hub of industrialism, Human, Demi-Human, Beastmen, Elves visits the city everyday, every years. Be it weapons, magical items, anything you desires you can get them in Dwertur. I was one of the residents of Dwertur, I came from a family of carpenter, but unlike my parent and brothers I was different. Building things never brought me joy, what fuels my passions was entertaining.

Everyday I would go down to the shopping districts, observing people, watching the nearby bards sang a tune, and reading books at the books store. Years passed, I finally gathered the courage of performing in the public, sometimes I play a tune, and sometimes a perform a puppet play, little by little people recognize me and my talent. Laughter of children always echoed in the plaza when I perform, by the age of 35, everyone in the city known me as Paul the Puppeteer, by the age of 50 I was medalled by the crown as royal entertainer.

Still as a dwarf who doesn't embrace strength and smithing, I wasn't able to grow a beard, i was forbid to. Because of that, even though I was 50 years old, I always look young and handsome. I was consider the most good looking dwarf in Dwertur.

"Stop looking at me like that…don't underestimate me, though I may be a skeleton now, back then if I just shot glance at girls…even Elves would want me to warm their beds…". (Paul)

"I never said anything…".

Hearing a story become a bragging statement, not only me but Mina,Rafaela,Bar and Elijah had the same skeptical looks on their face.

"I know that look....hah~…anyways…". (Paul)

"Look, I don't think this would work, could you just simplified everything?…".

"didn;t you say that you want to hear my story?…". (Paul)

"well I did, but for some reason, I think it's better to hear the simplified versions of it…I got a feeling that If I listen to you this wold take ages to end…".

I noticed that this guy will speak nonsense if I let him be.

"Well as you wish…but, promise me something first…".(Paul)

"Let's hear what is it…then I decide…".

Paul tried to bluff his way to make me promised him something but Elijah having nothing of it as she stand up and unfastened her whip.

"Ummmmm…..errr….okay, could you let me go?…I mean, purified my soul….Look, I have enough of this catacombs, and for some unknown reason, I still alive after 1000 years..it's get kinda boring in here, so if I can't go out and entertain, what use I continue living in this world…..Right?..".(Paul)

"i guess it took a toll on your mentality right?….Bar could you take a look at that shackles?…".

I kinda like this skeleton, beside he's actually fit my descriptions to be my first radio broadcaster.

"Hmmmm…..it's definitely ancient, and far more complicated than any magical binding..I've seen….But Sir, it can be opened…". (Bar)

After inspecting the whole shackles for a full 5 minutes, Bar turned and assured me that it can be undone.

"Wait what??..this is Royal binding, that kept me lock for 5000 years..and you said it can be undone??….well what are you waiting for??…open it!!..". (Paul)

"I just said it can be opened, as to how…I alone cannot do it…The only way to unlock it was to!!....Yes sir??..". (Bar)

Before Bar goes off telling him the way to unlock the shackle, I grab bar shoulder and prompt him to stop.

"You know what Paul…at first, I thought it would be nice to hear your stories…but I changed my mind….".

"...why?…what do you mean?..". (Paul)

"i don't think you leaving this world as a resentful soul was the right thing….for a talented and generous person like you to leave this world full of misfortune…would be a total waste…why?…because this world need someone like you to bring smiles and sunshine to it…".

I'm sure persuading a lonely skeleton was easy, well I could always say, 'You working for me now' and bind his soul to eternal slavery. But, I'm still want to avoid being a total 'dick' tator if I can.

"....I agree, I'm needed for this world…I'm too precious to die….but, what can a trapped skeleton with only skull and torso do?…look I even don't have legs and arms…well I do have them, but it's all over the floor…". (Paul)

Paul could only look at his skeletal arm and his skeletal legs that scattered at the bottom of the alcoves he's in, right now Paul were hanging on the wall by the shackles on his neck.

"all I need is your voice and that witty mind of yours Paul….I need you to work for me, become the voice that brings smile to everyone faces…maybe and perhaps, you have a chance to bring happiness to the whole world…".

"......but…". (Paul)

"Promise me that you would work with me…then, I will personally unbind that shackles…aren't you dreamed to be a worldwide star?..entertain the whole Fantasma??…you never have to stay in this catacombs but instead become a beacon of happiness around the world….".

"....…..Hah~..fine if you insisted that much, I guess leaving this catacombs would be nice…..Then, I agreed…". (Paul)

This skeleton is kinda smug but, deep down I know he was quite happy with the deal I gave him.

"Then, it's set…Paul, you are now working for me…..also, I'm just saying…I'm a high human, so you know what that's mean right?..".

"Sheesh~…of course I know, I'm not the stupid o not realized that Ring of Power and that Head Hunter on your hip….it's nice to meet you Kaiser, it was shocking to see there's a living High Human, furthermore from the 'Reaper' clan…it's makes me wonder if the world is going into turmoil once again…".(Paul)

Looks like Paul knows something about High Human, which is a bit shocking, but as he was a storyteller and a 5000 years old skeleton, it wasn't that ground breaking news to know something about it, I just have to make him sign an NDA later to keep my full identity a secret, as I don't want to attract unnecessary trouble that would hinder my progress to get rich.

"So..Bar, how do we unbind this shackles?..".

"The shackles and everything that works a lock in this catacombs were connected to a single key…the problem is that key was alive…". (Bar)

With his hand rubbing his imaginary beard, Bar appeared like a thinker.

"The key was alive?…". (Elijah)

"Yes, as we already knew..this place was originally a prison and a catacombs, but after sometimes this place has become a dungeon, furthermore it was an Undead dungeons…which means, most of the monster in here were birth from it's original occupants….I suspect there's something that serve as the anchor of this place lock down…because, this is a dungeon..and dungeon always have it's lord…".(Bar)

"You were saying that, the anchor @ Dungeon Lord has the key?….wait?…since when is this place become a dungeon??…". (Paul)

"About 3000 years ago?…around that time, looking at the monsters in here, that is probable…wait you don't know?..".(Bar)

"How the heck should I know?..I thought everything is normal, well I do see some zombies around...I thought everything is normal, that everyone were cursed like me..". (Paul)

"You think cursed could spread like a plague?…well, I can get it why you think that way..if you become skeleton why not everyone become a zombies right?..".

I guess this guy were to ignorant, but can't really blame him for that.

"Wait…I think I know who's the Anchor is!!….".(Paul)

The befuddle skeleton suddenly snapped from his thought and looked at me.


"Look, a few decades ago..a clan of Beastmen Beavers took a refuge, in here..they were quite nice and cute people…I also thought them a few things, but after a few years..their numbers starts to dwindle down, saying that they were unable to fight a constant wave of undeads..so I tell them to go and seek complaint to the warden…but, after that I never heard from them any longer….<Sight~>..I love those guys….anyway, I think the warden is the Lord…". (Paul)

"(T.A.S…what is Beastmen?…)".

[Beastmen was a race of living being similar to any race, but unlike Demi-Human..Beastmen has the total appearance of beast, unlike Demi-Human who have a half human and half beast…Despite their rough looks Beastmen have an intelligence and mental fortitude that is comparable perhaps even more than any humanoid race..]. (T.A.S)

Well I guess, you learn something new every time, Beastmen Beavers seems kinda interesting, I hope there's a bit of them left, I kinda hope to be able to see them.

"That makes sense Paul, warden holds the key to all catacombs…so even in undeads form, it plausible that the warden become the lord…Bar, what do we do to the lord for the shackle to be unbind?..".

"I guess the same as everything…kill it..". (Bar)

"That's sound easy!…then Paulie~ where's the warden office?..".(Mina)

Mina casually sling back her Ak-47 to her back, and pulled out her giant battleaxe, from her dimensional ring.

"See that tunnel right next to me…just go straight, then go down 3 floor, go left and.....I forgot, but it's somewhere around the 3rd floor…. Madam, please..spare my rib cage…". (Paul)

As he said that he forgot, Elijah then step forwards as she lashes her whip on the floor, the loud sound send shiver to Paul frail bones once more.

"Elijah…. It's doesn't matter,if we keep searching…we probably find it..besides, this could be fun..Paul, well..it's not like you can move..just stay put…guys!! let's go!!..".

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