To love someone in a hard deal
Adam was standing in middle of forest surrounded by trees,sound of bird..aimlessly walking on the path he reach at the corner of forest.That area was like a heaven..a inspiring sound of spring and followed by river.The space was filled with beauty of nature ...the wild lilly were shining on the light of sun.It was a piece of heaven on earth.
After many restless days and nights Adam feel like living.After five year of loving her her,he had break up with her.The love of his life,the meaning of his love,Katheren.He dont know why the ask her to break up.Its just the spark of moment or he have been thinking for days.Its not like he had not dated other girls before,he had but never felt so miserable after breaking up.
Adam had seen her on the way back to college for the first time.She was wearing pink shirt and blue pant,carrying a bag by the up to shoulder slighty curl..looking like a modern doll..talking to her friend by her side.He stand by the road to see her going on the opposite direction.In the spark of time..he feel a aruge to see her again.He walk back to the direction she was walking without notice.After minutes he gets his composer and sees himself in uncertain area.He runs his eyes around and she has gone by the time.Where did she go?? he ask himself ,he look around for her few minutes but cannot found her.Then look at time in his watch ..found that he is going to be late to reach his college dorm on time as it was the first day of college . With a image of Katheren on mind he walk toward the opposite direction which he has been walking before.He reache his dorm few minute late but many students were looking around the area talking to each other, introducing as a friendly gesture.As days goes on..after about a week, Adam was in college ground playing basket ball with his friend he saw her walking toward the library .He stop playing and start to walk toward her.His mind was play music saying she was in same college as his,she was around him why didn't he look for her these many days.As he was passing the ground ,his friend stop him and ask him where was he going seeing him looking at the other direction he smile and tell him she was a freshman as them and on different course.He smile looking as she enter the library gate and vanished.He had thought about her for several time in the week ,tired to go to the place he first saw her but no image of her.
He was happy ,dancing within heart ...his heart beat has increased with a butterfly feel on stomach.She was in the college,in the same college he feel like flying in the sky of imagination.Ater some stroke in his hand from his friend his come back in.
After that day, everday for two week he followed her to the library.He quitely sit oppsite to her, as she was emerge in her book he admire her through this book..holding by the side.There were some time their eyes meet when see lift her head but he avoid it as fast as possible.
On the twentieth day,it was a day before the welcom party.He collect his all courage and write on a piece of paper"I like you" and his name, mobile number on the side and palce it in the book she has left on the table before going to the libaray bookshelf to get a book.She return in few minutes with a book in her hand and sit opposite to him as always.
He was shivering, his hand were all sweaty..he couldn't have courage to look toward her... has she saw it..has she found she angry?? He wanted to run away as about to brust out in sweat the he heard a voice excuse me! huh! he look at the direction ,it was her ..he was dumbfounded and look at her couldn't speak a word and she said[Did you write this?] showing the paper he had written before.He couldn't say ,he face was all redden..sweated and he just nodded ,yes.
She was surprised,looking at him couldn't understand what to say.She has seen him looking at her many times ..she could say that he was intested on her but never thought he like her.Then she collect her book and leave.
He almost got heart attack..seeing her without saying anything his heart shrink.He get up from the chair and walk to the bathroom,washed his face full of sweat and fear.He was about to cry ...but control himslef.He felt his love story has ened before it started.After reaching on the dorm he lay down on his bed and remember the expression of her face,was he rejected or is there any hope ...he become hopeless and cursed himself for being courageous to write.That was the first sleepless night of his life,tomorrow was the welcome party he didn't want to go..his friends insisted and with the hope to see her he agreed.It was a college party so all faculty were there greeting each other and talking.He sit on the corner of the room facing the entrance door..after search for few time he has known she has not come so with a drink in his hand he look at the door several time in a minute if she has come,he sit there for half an hour and he was about to leave as he thought she might not be coming then a shadow appear on the door he get up and look at the door a beautyful girl in a purple dress with open hair was standing on the door way.He smiled and tried to avoid his eye contact with her.Her friend came and get her into the room,he watch her talking to her friend.His friends were talking to each other as well but his all concentration was on her.....