
A New World

Ten years have passed since I was born, I have learned many new things of this new world and that there are many differences between this world, first of all unlike earth, there are many different races here, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Orcs, Dragonoids, and Demi Humans, and that me and my parents Marie And Leon Belfaust live in the human kingdom of Rozlania in a decent size village called Arce, and as far as I the humans this world used to dominate race of every region until the great war changed that an now the dominant race of this world are the Dragonoids who live in the second largest continent that is roughly around the same size as Russia, while the elves control their own continent which is around the same size of Australia, while Dwarves, Demi Humans, Lizardmen, Orcs, and Humans share the largest continent in this world, and even though I learned about the existence of the other races, I've haven't had a chance to encounter any of them while exploring Arce, and one of the reasons why that is because, from what my parents have told me, that once a very long time ago, all of the human kingdoms used to be diverse before the great war, but everything changed after that war, my parents told me prejudice sentiment began to rise within many citizens inside and it lead to mass genocide of the many races that inhabited the human kingdoms, but they never went into full detail about why it ended up happening, but because of that, nowadays you can no longer find non-humans living in this entire region, well that will change, If I end up becoming a magic knight, and maybe then I could meet the other races in this world. On another note my mom and dad were surprised on how quickly I learned to read and write, because in this world things like reading and writing are only for those who attend the magical academy or who are from a noble family bloodline, and since my dad use to attend in the magical academy he learned various things, but then he ended up getting expelled for starting an unsanctioned fight with a fellow magic knight from a noble household, who kept provoking him with insults. Before he got expelled he learned how to read and write, and used that knowledge to teach me, hoping that I can use it to get ahead in life, especially since Im lacking in mana, when compared to normal people. Now that I've turned ten years old I told my dad that I wanted to partake in the aptitude test to determine my magical strength, the test will let me know if I have the potential magic power to become a magical knight, and from what my parents have told me, the magical knights are the kingdoms main army who are responsible for protecting the kingdom and on rare occasions they will also protect the human region as whole when there is a big enough threat, just like what happened during the great war, and so those who become a magical knight end up living a much better life then those who work regular jobs in the kingdom, and because of what they told me I made it my goal of mine to become one so that I can help give my parents a better life, and realize a dream my dad couldn't achieve himself. Growing up in this world made me realize how lucky I was in my previous life, because the moment I was able to talk and walk, I was immediately put to work, helping out at my mom and dad's shop, where I would go around the store restocking and sweeping, I also made a childhood friend named Rosie Hesron a blue eyes, blonde haired girl that is also ten years old, but we only became friends because my dad and her dad are friends, even though things turned out like this, we didn't mind because we would either play around or do magic training together, and while we would train I quickly realized how inferior I was compared to Rosie, after noticing this difference between us, she started to make fun of me for that and also started to bully me, but since I did not want a repeat of my high school days of my past life, I told her that I've had enough and won in a duel against her and after that her attitude towards me changed again. As the days passed I wake up on the day that we would leave for the capital, My dad calls out to me.

"Collin get ready we are about to leave!"

I shout back.

"I'm on my way!"

I put on my clothes which are not very flashy but are comfortable enough and as I rush out of my room, my mom stops me, so that she can give me a peck on the forehead and to say.

"Good luck son"

she hugs me warmly, I reciprocate with a hug of my own, I step back and reply.

"thank you mom."

I then head outside of the house where my dad is waiting for me by the fence in the front yard, as I get close to him, he puts his hand on my shoulder and says earnestly

"Collin I want you to know whatever the aptitude test says me and your mom will support you, with whatever path you choose for yourself."

he then says under his breath.

"or you could keep helping around the shop

I reply, playfully.

"Gee dad thanks for the vote of confidence."

he chuckles and we start heading to the carriages where a bunch of others kids that around my age, who are also being accompanied by their mom or dad, and these kids also share the same goal as me of becoming a magic knight, and I think to myself.

"I don't see Rosie around, well I guess if I don't see her here, maybe I'll run into her at the capital."

Everyone begins to board onto the back of the carriages, Me and my dad also do the same thing, we climb inside the back, after a while of waiting, I see Rosie and her dad climb inside the carriage that we are in, and then after finding a seat, next to me and my dad, Rosie gives me a smile and waves cheerfully.

"hi Collin."

I do the same.

"hello Rosie."

The carriage finally fills up and begins moving, and start our road trip towards the capital.

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