
Leviathan goes to school

Author: timewatcher
Ongoing · 62.7K Views
  • 22 Chs
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Being reborn and growing up as a Leviathan in a world of magic and sorcerers sounds great doesn't it? Hint: it's not all fun and games. But I should probably have figured that out when I was attacked 5 days after I was born. Thank god Leviathan mothers protect their young, also raise them in solitude, feed them hearts of anything that comes near, teach them how to kill an army with magic... You know that last one seems really bad. But all that's behind me now.... I hope. Well I'm finally 20 or I've been awake for 20 years, leviathans sleep for a long time and I'm talking century's here but I've enrolled at a school for magic to learn something that won't kill everyone in a 100km radius and meet some friends but mainly the first one. Also mama wants me to give her some grandchildren soon. Yay school life.

Chapter 1Wake up

"Darling time to wake up." The voice of my mother flutters through the house or cave we were living in enchanted with a antisleep spell needed to raise a sleeping leviathan. This had woken me but my body refused to move might have hade something to do with being asleep for the last 200 years ment I needed a little time to remember how to move.

"Darling are you awake?" Mothers voice flowed through the air this time with a revitalising spell.

"Yea just opening my eyes now." Ah good I've remembered how to talk now just have to open my eyes.

"OK ill give you a little help. I know it can be difficult after a long asleep." Wait wasn't she already helping me? Although I could use another boost just to get my arms moving again. Wait I can feel my toes yay now concentrate on my feet try to feel them. Suddenly a sound like thunder echoed through the cave stopping my concentration. If that's what I think it is that's a lot more than a little help mother! Before I could open my mouth a bolt of energy hit my body sending me into the wall, a spiders web of cracks stretched out from the dent my body made in the solid stone. Now I'd normally say ouch but being a leviathan had its perks, not a scratch on my body plus I can feel everything now! Thanks mother. Pulling myself out of the wall might be a pain since 2/3 of my body is imbedded into it, but that's what my snappers are for. Well not specifically they're two tenticles on my lower back made of pure muscle with mouths and teeth connected to my 'leviathan' stomach there like having an extra pair of arms you mainly use for eating meat and hearts oooow hearts are devine hope mothers got some for breakfast. Wait off topic bad leviathan get out of wall then eat. The wall cracked even more as I pushed myself out, placing my feet on the ground in victory then fell face first into the ground.

Dam pins and needles I almost broke my horns, these horns are like a reverse halo starting on my forehead and almost touching at the back of my head. These horns and snappers along with my silver eyes are what make me a leviathan not human, that and our blood extends mortals lives and we have no limit to the magic we can learn. Haha take that dragons you have to give people your heart to extend their lives we only need to give them some blood. Oooow speaking of hearts lifting myself off the ground and out of my delusion

I walk with my legs still shaking a little towards the sound of mother humming. The hallway was expertly made with carvings of me growing up, one had me walking on two legs, one had me making my first kill another had my first heart I devowed. 'Sigh' I missed that dwarf girl she was pretty but mother had to let her go after I started figuring out the difference between male and females, something about her not being strong enough to give good grandchildren even though her carving skills were great. Arriving at the first door I opened it freezing instantly. Inside were 4 men tied to the wall by chains and collars naked. Sighing again I closed the door and continued on ignoring mothers sex room, adventures would come hunting us every now and then even up on this mountain far from anything. But our blood is valuable enough for them to risk their lives. Mother would deal with most of them I helped a few times but she would always offer the strongest one of the group a deal. Stay as her slave and the rest of their group go free, or they all die. I always prayed for the latter as hearts were delicious but mother needed them every now and then for her own entertainment so I understood.

Finding the correct door this time I opened it finding mother cooking over a stove or rock she's heating with magic, her snappers were wrapped around another male human tied to a chair playing with his manhood. His face was a mixture of disgust and bliss.

"Morning mother found a new toy I see." Mother spun around her hair changing from green to purple under her horns her body flawless, perks of being able to change her body at will. A quick glance at the man tied down was all I needed as to why mother had this look, deny it all you want you like what you see.

"Good morning my child. Yes this one tried to poison the water to get us, seems the rest of his group were a bit spineless running the moment they saw me. This one however." Mother brought him closer sitting on his knees one of her snappers took his manhood in its mouth moving in a rhythm.

"Stayed and fought probably thought I was weakened." The man groaned before clenching up, the snapper on his manhood stopped moving making a very loud swallowing sound.

"Good boy." Blowing on his face the man fell asleep, mother then pushing him to the far wall before turning back to her cooking. I'd found the sink and was busy washing the sleep from my eyes ignoring what was going on behind me.

"Think you'll keep this one, I passed your private room on the way here lots of space left." Mother stuck a finger into her snapper that had been pleasuring the man pulling out some seamen.

"Don't know yet didn't offer him the deal so don't have to let him live but he's quite tasty." I rolled my eyes letting one of my own snappers drink straight from the sink. I'd tried to use my snappers in private play but couldn't get the teeth to stop biting on reflex.

"Child do you know what age your at now?" Her expression changed to one of sorrow.

"I'm old enough to pick my own name." Mother laughed.

"Yes you are but it also means mother can no longer protect you." In leviathan culture picking a name means your independent while mother and daughter leviathans tend to stay together sharing mates mother and sons don't as the family line is blurred sometimes when they stay together causing the mother to take the son as a mate if the male isn't strong enough to stop her advances. While I wouldn't think twice about taking a girl as pretty as mother was I still didn't want to cross that line something I'd kept from when I was human, mother seemed to understand my choice. This is also why I call her mother and don't know her name this distance was her decision to remind herself of the boundaries I didn't want to cross.

"It's OK mother we knew this day was coming." A tear coming down her face as I said this taking a breath she spoke her voice cracking slightly.

"Mother sometimes wishes you were born a girl we could have shared so much but I will respect your wishes to become independent, and as such I have enrolled you at Rula academy as per your last wish." Mothers body was pointed at me while her snappers were finishing cooking.

"Staying with you does sound like fun but I think I'd want to leave even if I was a girl."

"But that's the best part we could have gone on an adventure together, but I'm dreaming slightly. Have you picked a name for yourself?" Trying to change the subject mother figited slightly.

"Yes I have picked the name Lazuris. The meaning for it is God has helped." It seemed to fit how I wanted to be viewed.

"Aaaaw my baby Laz."

"Mom it's soppose to have meaning can you not baby my name?" Coming close mother hugged me with enough strength to crush a boulder, although this didn't hurt I could feel my bones getting uncomfortable but instead of pushing away I hugged her back both of us crying silently into each other, me taking a name meant there was no going back to being a baby in need of care. Mothers snappers removed the cooked chunk of meat from the hot rock passing them wordlessly into my own. Bitting on enough to hold it but not eating it yet, this was going to be my last meal from her.

"Know this my child mother will always love you always treasure the time she spent with you, 100 years from now I will visit you and I expect to see my grandchildren growing up strong so find yourself some powerful wife's who can hold your children I want more than one even if you have to drag the women to bed."

"I will mother just try not to take me as a mate when you do." We both closed our eyes half laughing half crying at my bad joke.

"Mother will try to control herself. I love you my baby Lazuris.." The pressure of my mother hugging me disappeared replaced by a cool breeze the smell of sex and meat from the cave gone. Opening my eyes I found myself in a grassy plane a backpack on the ground in front of me with a map pinned to it with a red dot showing where I was in the world. I didn't need to open the bag to know my paperwork to enter school and enough money to stay anywhere I wanted for a month were inside, mothers last gift to get me started. Turning my attention to the meat in my snapper I gripped it with both tearing the cooked outside away revealing a warm whole heart.

"Thanks mother." Swallowing it whole I enjoyed the sensation of it travelling through my snappers throat, taste buds were all along the inside of each allowing me to enjoy in much longer than a human. Pulling apart the outside flesh I swallowed that as well before picking up the map. Good Mother put me close to the academy but far enough that no one would notice me just appearing from her teleport maybe a day or two walking? Putting the bag on my back I gave one last goodbye to mother even if she would never hear it then I started walking.

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