
Thanks to my lovely readers!

Hello lovely readers. I am just writing this to thank you all for reading. I really appreciate your support for this book. To tell you guys the truth, I was planning on dropping this book but when my cousin red the book, he said that it is not that bad but I didn't believe him at first.

So when my friend red it, she also said its not bad, she said it's not the best book ever nor the worst book ever. I red the book myself and I really didn't see anything interesting about it; that's why I wanted to drop it in the first place but my friend convinced me to continue writing or she'll kill me on behalf of you guys.

Actually another reason was because I have never written a novel in my entire life, so I was kinda scared you guys will not like it and I will just be wasting your time and also my bad grammar. I am really bad at describing things but I will try to fix that. And the chapter length, I will try to increase it. The thing is that sometimes I really don't know how to continue the chapters because I write it on the same day that I will publish it, so I sometimes ran out of ideas but I will try and increase it.

But you guys did read it and I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks so much for voting for this book, that's written by an amateur like me. You've voted for this book so early and I am seriously grateful for that and quite surprised actually but thanks so much. I am quite emotional so I will stop now before I explode in tears.

Thanks so much... For everything.

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