
Wicked game

𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙚'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫>>

Damn you, Leonardo! Damn you!

How dare he told my family that he was my boyfriend?

I'd rather eat poop toothpaste than becoming his girlfriend.

We were about to pretend only in Ryder's eyes, not in my family's. Screw it, I didn't want to play this game anymore ever since he slapped my ass.

The nerve of that bastard.

He had audacity to call himself my boyfriend after what he'd done to me. And mom believed him too. Not just believed him but also invited him for dinner. I couldn't say a word or protest against him because my mom was so happy with him. It seemed like the devil himself had conjured her.

They were right. No woman could resist his charms, not even my mother.

I'd talk to him after dinner, in private where no one could here his screaming.

"This steak is delicious. Best in the world." Leo exclaimed that made mom blush. Oh, how much I wish dad would be there.

"Oh come on, Leo. It's not that good." Mom flushed, her cheeks became red.

I internally cringed.

"I never lie, Char." Leo smirked, and mom bit her lip.

Ewww! He even called her by her nickname that only dad was allowed to say.

Pervert! Arrghhh! Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!

It wasn't mom's fault that she was flattened on him. He was the one who had been lying to her about how he thought mom was my younger sister and all. Even Luke was flattened on him because Leo had promised him to have a boys night at his mansion where they would play video games together.

He had his own way to get into everybody's heart.

Damn him thousand times.

I cleared my throat to bring their attention on me however, they didn't pay a heed. I again cleared my throat but this time so loudly that I choked on my own saliva.

"Oh sweetie, you okay?" Mom asked worriedly, rubbing my back.

"Yeah, I'm good." turning my head towards Leo, I said sweetly, "Baby, Can you please help me to get up to my bedroom?"

Leo seemed shocked, and the way he gulped I could sense the fear in his eyes.

Good boy.

"Sure." He said smiling. He got up and helped me to straighten up myself. Oh god, my back. It was hurt like hell.

As soon as we reach my room, I locked the door while Leo staring at my bed.

Pervert. He was mind fucking me on this bed.

"How dare you lying to my family?" I snapped.

"Trust me, I wasn't gonna say that but surprisingly it slipped out of my mouth." He reasoned out.

"I don't want to play this game anymore, Leo. So you're gonna tell my mother that you're not my boyfriend."

He stared at me for awhile before he dictated, "No."

What the—

"Erica showed up today at my office, and to rid her I told her that I moved on and you're my girlfriend." He added.

"Why me? There are so much women who are dying to be your girlfriend." Oh god, I really didn't want to play this game anymore.

"Because you're running throughout my mind and besides, You owe me a favour." he shrugged.

"Oh, I don't remember anything like that." I snarled.

"I helped you in case of Ryder, now it's your turn to return the favour." He stated, making me frustrated.

"It was so kind of you to help me, Sir. But what was the exact reason behind that? Oh yes, How can I forget that. You wanted to get into my pants." I exclaimed furiously.

His jaw clenched and he said, "And who was the one that used me against Ryder? Who was the one that was using a strategy to seduce and destroy? You." He snapped, "Whatever was my intention behind it, yet I helped you and what I got in return. Nothing. Not even a kiss."

I gasped. The nerve of this man. "B-But I Let you kiss my cheek."

He groaned remembering the day when I made fool of him. "Never play the player, Ms Sanders. You're gonna pretend that we're a couple Or else—"

Seriously? Now This guy was threatening me?

"Or else what?" I straightened myself standing in front of him, our noses were brushing.

A corner of his mouth lifted up as he said in a deep threatening voice, "Or else I'd tell your mother how terrible that steak was."

I gasped, "You wouldn't dare!"

Mom thinks that her steak is the best steak ever, but in reality it's a worst steak I've ever eaten in my life. It will break her heart to know that she's only a good baker, But This Cooking thing is not her cup of tea.

"You know me better than anybody else, Jane." He said, "If you don't want to see your mom cry, do as I say."

Shit. I'd no other choice but to do what he said.

"You believe this is a game, and you may be right." He smirked stepping back, his hands were in his pants' pocket. "But if you think you can play it better than me, think again."

With that he walked through the door leaving me behind with a question that 'who would help me sitting on the Potty?'

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