
I know you well enough


"Erm..." Tian Le looked at Han Ye and Xiao Zhihao. "You guys aren't doing anything? She looked really upset." 

Xiao Zhihao shrugged and picked up his chopsticks. He then continued to eat as he said, "She's being unreasonable. I can't go to her now or she will talk her way into doing things her own way."

His mother was very sensible and mature, but at times, she would still behave like a child. Though... It had been a while since his mother behaved in this manner. In the past, she would usually do this to mess with his father.

Xiao Zhihao glanced at Han Ye. He wondered if his mother was doing this to annoy Han Ye. It was kind of annoying to think that way... 

When Han Ye saw Xiao Zhihao looking at him, he immediately smiled and said, "It's fine. She's an adult, so she can handle it. She's just throwing a little tantrum at the moment." 

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