
The More The Merrier

At Yang Global's group conference room, two parties were completing the merging and joint venture of two hospitals, Yang Globals and Life Hospitals.

Dion and Xander convinced the members of the board that the consolidations between two hospitals would offer benefits, technology sharing as well as research opportunities for the staff between the two giants, and would also benefit their consumers.

"Congratulations bro," Xander extended his hand to Dion as soon as the signing of papers were done.

Dion grinned and responded, "Congrats to you too, bro!"

Then they took photos while others congratulated each party. After everyone was dismissed, Xander turned to Dion and said, "Come home at dinner. Mom and dad have asked you to stay there while Rizie is at Lim's villa."

Dion nodded and replied, "I will go back to the office then go there directly."

Then he bid Xander farewell and left.

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