
What’s Wrong With Me?

At Yang Hospital

Dion puckered his forehead seeing Rizie was still roaming around in the hospital, offering and giving coffee to the employees as if she was a waitress in the restaurant.

'What's with this public appeasement thing. Is she running for candidacy or something?' he mused scornfully and was startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong with people today, why are you all spacing out? First Xander and now you, what kind of thoughts are exactly sinking deep in your head that make you guys zone out?" mumbled Rui. Dion noticed Rizie smiled broadly at their direction and waved.

"Such a fine young lady. She's been busy helping everyone all this time. It's already pretty late and she's still here." noticed Rui who waved back at Rizie.

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