
Chapter 12 - SCAM?

After Tang Yao checked his stats, he only realized he had around 10 minutes left, before he had to log off. Tang Yao spent the last 10 minutes wandering around the city and exploring it. After he logged off, he saw lot of news about him, and about his achievements. Many people were calling him a cheater, but he didn't care, he just thought that those people were a bunch of sore losers.

However before, Tang Yao could continue, his thought, his phone rang. There was a unfamiliar number on it, but he decided to pick it up any ways. After Tang Yao picked up the phone, a deep voice that was most likely a man's answered.

"Hello? Are you Tang Yao" asked the person on the phone

"Yes, who are you, and how do you know my name?" asked Tang Yao who was suspicious of how the other person knew his name.

"This is MT Loans calling, your parents owed us 550,000 dollars, and we're calling to ask you to submit payment, otherwise, we will have to take actions against you, and your pretty sister." chuckled the man over the phone.

"I don't know this MT Loan shit, now fuck off before I call the police, and if you dare touch my sister, I'll make you lose your manhood." said Tang Yao who pissed off, but was 90% sure that this was a phone scam. He was 90% sure that his parents never made any loans, and that this was a company that targeted people who had deceased parents, and to extort them out of their money.

"You better hear me out, you don't want to know the consequences!" shouted the man over the phone.

"FUCK OFF YOU PEDOPHILE!" shouted Tang Yao before, ending the call.

"Brother? Are you okay?" asked Jie Yao who woke up to Tang Yao's screaming.

"Ah, nothing, its all good." said Tang Yao

*Ring* *Ring*

"Oh, this mother fucker, he wants to mess with me huh, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind." mumbled Tang Yao, before saying, "Jie Yao, I'll be outside for a bit, wait up for me."



All of his neighbors opened, their doors, to see Tang Yao, yelling at his phone. Tang Yao covered his phone and said, "Sorry About That, Hold On, This call will end in a bit." Apologizing to his neighbors.

"Oh right, where were we? Oh Yeah. YOU MOTHER FUCKING PUSSY, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT NOW?!" yelled Tang Yao

"Uh? Do I have the wrong number?" their was an obviously different voice on the call, that did not sound like the man from before.

"HUH?! Who is this? Is this not MT Loans?" asked Tang Yao

"Ah, no its not, this is Abraham Lincoln speaking, uh we wanted to know if you were Dip Stick, in the game called Reverie." asked the man called Abraham over the call.

"Huh, yeah I am, what for?" asked Tang Yao.

"We would, like to invite you to our guild Shadow, and out boss Dark Matter, would like to talk to you?" said Abraham

"First, how the hell did you get this number, and Second, I don't want to join a guild." said Tang Yao

"The first question, can not be answered, and if you join our guild you would be offered, very generous benefits." said Abraham

"Hold, on let me call 911 first" said Tang Yao.

"Sure, no problem, I'll wait...WAIT WHO ARE YOU CALLING?" shouted Abraham

"I'm calling 911 you stalker." said Tang Yao

"WAIT WAIT, don't call 911, I found your number because, it was linked to your account." explained Abraham.

"and, how did you get my account information?" asked Tang Yao

"Well... Uh.. Can we not talk about this please?" asked Abraham

"I might consider your offer, if you tell me the truth." said Tang Yao

"Are you sure?" asked Abraham

"Yes, I am." said Tang Yao

"Okay. Okay, I got your account information because, I hacked into your account." said Abraham.

"Hold on, let me a call, then I'll consider your offer." said Tang Yao who was getting ready to dial 911.

"Oh okay, WAIT NO, who are you calling?!" shouted Abraham over the phone.

"Ow, your hurting my ears, I'm calling someone to see if what you did was a crime." said Tang Yao. "Oh yeah, I won't call 911, since I don't want to get involved in legal procedures, but I won't join your guild. Goodbye." said Tang Yao

"WAIT! fuck.. he left." said Abraham

"Sheesh, people these days, hacking other people's things. Nobody has respect for anyone else." said Tang Yao before going back inside.

"Who was that brother?" asked Jie Yao, who had already prepared breakfast.

"Ah, it was a phone scam. You must never pay attention to those people Jie Yao." said Tang Yao

"Alright, come eat before it becomes cold." said Jie Yao

After Tang Yao and Jie Yao ate breakfast, he received a call from his best friend Alexander.

"YO DUDE, did you hear that guy called Dip Stick? He FUCKING SOLO'ED A LEVEL 300 BOSS!" shouted Alexander

"Yo, dude, I'm Dip Stick." said Tang Yao

"Nice Joke Man, I'm Donald Trump." said Alexander

"No seriously though, I'm Dip Stick man." said Tang Yao

"Yeah, seriously I'm Donald Trump." said Alexander

"*sigh* give me your IGN, i'll friend you later tonight." said Tang Yao

"My ign, is ButtCheeks, tell me yours." said Alexander

"Mine, is Dip Stick." said Tang Yao

"Seriously bro, tell me." said Alexander

Tang Yao could only smile to that and say, "you'll find out later."

"I see bro, keeping secrets eh? I got you." said Alexander.


"Alright... I'll see you later" said Tang Yao

After ending the call with Alexander, Tang Yao decided to look online at the Reverie forms, and what not.

On the reverie forms, it says that there was an update today, where it reduceded the amount of xp required to get from level 9 to level 10, and increased the xp requirement for players that are more than 10 levels above the average player level.

'They are targeting me' though Tang Yao as he read this update. It also increased the stats of monsters, and the level suppression of monsters to prevent large groups, or a specific person from killing them easily. It was clear that the GM's were trying to nerf Tang Yao without affecting the rest of the players.

The company also released the video of Tang Yao on shotting the Skeleton Emperor, so it wouldn't create problems with the other players. The Kamehameha sparked large interest among the Otaku's playing the game. While other players were thinking of how to replicate this skill. Tang Yao could only laugh at those who tried. It was probably his luck that he was even able to create the skill in the first place. Other players, were complaining that he was to OP, and should be nerfed, or have his stats reset.

After looking at the updates for the game he practiced his martial arts, and went out with his sister to buy some new clothes.

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