
Chapter 3 - Rewards

The person who opened the door to the Reverie shop was none other than the old man, that Tang Yao saved from the thugs.

"What? Aren't you going to enter?" questioned the Old Man

"Oh. I see, yes I was the old man that was being harassed by those thugs, but my true identity is Andrew Fletcher, one of the 12 major stock holders in the company Imagination. So are you guys going to enter now?" asked the Old Man or Andrew Fletcher.

Eventually after a few seconds of awkward silence, Tang Yao entered the store, as well as the little girl behind him.

Inside the store was several helmets with various prices under them, the cheapest was 1,000 USD while the most expensive was 150,000 USD. There were also some special liquids, that were called nutrient packs. They ranged from F - A value, and were extremely expensive, the cheapest one was 100 USD while the most expensive one was 100,000 USD.

'Wait a minute, where is the special reward for being the first 5' though Tang Yao.

"AH WAIT! I forgot to tell you guys the special reward for being the first 5, but that is not all the value of the reward is different for each person in line, 1st being the highest, and 5th being the least. Also there is one other reward for the little girl, and this man here for being so courageous. So if you would like your reward follow me to the back." said Andrew while gesturing the 5 people to follow him.

After going through a corridor and passing several security guards, they arrived at grand and luxurious room, with 5 machines in the middle of the room. Tang Yao and the other 4 people couldn't help but gasp at the grandeur of the room. While marble floors, and a huge chandler in the middle, and 4 marble pillars supporting the roof of the room.

All of a sudden a voice broke into their thoughts...

"As you know the only available method to play Reverie is through one of our specially designed game helmets, however those only have a sync rate of 70 - 95%. While these machines here are specially designed capsules, that have a sync rate of 95% - 100% as which is why I said the value of the reward is different." said Andrew.

"These capsules are worth more than 1 million USD, and can act as a bed, as well as take care of all of your other personal needs. However that is not the extent of your reward. The 5th person in line will receive 25 D Grade Nutrient Packs, 4th will get 25 C Grade Nutrient Packs, 3rd will get 25 B Grade Nutrient Packs, 2nd will get 25 A Grade Nutrient Packs, and 1st will get 25 S Grade Nutrient Packs. Also don't think of robbing anyone, as there will also be several body guards around you guys for the next 48 hours until you guys are all situated." explained Andrew.

"Um, what are S Grade Nutrient Packs?" asked the lady who was 3rd in line.

"S Grade Nutrient Packs, are Nutrient Packs that are not commercially available for the public, and each one can be auctioned off for more than 1 million USD. Also they are 2x better than A Grade Nutrient Packs." explained tAndrew, "Alright, please fill out these forms, as well as a secrecy agreement, then we will ship these capsules as well as your nutrient packs to your locations tonight."

After a few minutes, everyone has finished filling out the forms, and Andrew indicated for everyone to leave. As Tang Yao and the little girl were about to leave Andrew called out to them.

"Why are you leaving so fast? Don't you want the other reward?" asked Andrew

'Oh yeah, we did have another reward for saving him.' thought Tang Yao

"Alright, In all 12 locations where we sell these helmets, we all conducted the similiar experiment, and this is the only location where people had actually decided to help out, however normally we would of given you a special in game item, but...we have decided to change that as you have risked your life fighting those thugs, as none of us had anticipated that he would pull out a gun, we decided to up your reward a bit." said Andrew.

"You little girl will receive a special challenge as soon as you get into a game, and depending on the completion you will get a growth hidden class that we be a minimum of rare, and a maximum of mythical depending on how you accomplish the mission. While you boy will get the same thing as the girl, as well as a special growth weapon, where you can choose what weapon you want it to be. Also on top of that we decided to give both of you a special pack when you create your character, where you roll a dice from the number 1-4, where if get a 1 you will get an additional 10 attribute points when you level up, 2 you will get a 50% decrease in exp needed to level up, 3 you get a starting a 50% increase in attributes of all types, and 4 you get everything mentioned in the previous ones. Of course you will have a 35% chance of 1, 35% chance of 2, 29.9% of 3, and 0.1% of 4. Well that is all, you are allowed to leave now." said Andrew, before walking into the distance.

After Andrew left, Tang Yao was about to leave, when the little girl came to him and asked him something.

"What's your name?" asked the girl.

"You should tell me yours first, before asking for mine" replied Tang Yao.

"Hmph, my name is Amanda Rosewell, now tell me whats yours" answered the little girl in a haughty way.

"Mine is Tang Yao, and also aren't you a bit young to be alone? Those thugs would of taken you away if I didn't interfere." replied Tang Yao.

"Hmph, I'm 12, well old enough to be by myself, and if those thugs dare do anything to me, they would regret it." said Amanda.


In the distance a limousine was pulling up in front of Tang Yao and Amanda. Before Tang Yao could do anything, Amanda hid herself behind Tang Yao, while the limousine arrived in front of them with the window rolling down.

"Amanda, do you know how long we have been looking for you? Why didn't you bring Albert with you if you wanted to go shopping?" asked the middle aged man in the car.

"HMPH! I'm not here." replied Amanda in a over bearing tone.

"..." Tang Yao had no idea what to say, and tried to move away from Amanda.

"HEY! stop moving, your gonna give my position away." yelled the girl.

"..." Both the man, and Tang Yao had no idea what to say to that.

"Amanda, who is this man?" asked the man in the car.

"Who is this Amanda you speak of?" said Amanda in a pitifully deep voice.

"...Oh no! Where is Amanda, guess I'll have to drive away." said the man in the car with a obviously faked questioning voice.

"WAIT! Daddy please don't leave me!" exclaimed Amanda, who was running out from behind Tang Yao, while sobbing.

"Ah! Daddy wouldn't ever leave you Amanda, here daddy will make it up with whatever you want." said the man in the car.

Amanda eye's shined with sparkles, "Hehe, I want chocolate for dinner" said Amanda.

"Ok, if that is what you want." said the man in the car, "Also I'm sorry about my daughter, and how childish she is, my name is John Rosewell, if you would like, I can offer you a ride back in my car."

"Ah. That is not necessary, my name is Tang Yao, and you should watch your daughter more carefully, she was almost kidnapped by thugs." explained Tang Yao before running off as fast as he can, 'Fuck that family is way to much, I was losing brain cells just listening to their conversation.' though Tang Yao while running home.


"Eh? Wait... WHAT! Amanda you were almost kidnapped? Where are those thugs, daddy will make it so that they will never see the light of day again!" bellowed John.

"It's okay daddy, that man saved me from them, he went like this Kwack, Pwach, Twach to all the thugs. It was so cool." exclaimed Amanda who was sitting in the back seat.

"As long as you are okay, that's all that matters" said John before driving his car off to an impressive mansion outside the city.


'Finally back home, just in time for lunch, the old man said that the capsule would arrive at 8pm tonight, before the game launched.' though Tang Yao while cooking up food for lunch.

After cooking food, Tang Yao went back to research the game. Apparently the game only was open at 9pm - 9am, and that the game was time ratio was 1:6. So every hour in real life equaled 6 hours in game, so half a day in real life equated to 3 days in game.

After researching the game, and having dinner with Jie Yao, the delivery men finally came with the capsule, and the Nutrient Packs. By the time, the delivery men were finish installing the capsule, it was already 8:45. Apparently the Nutrient Packs improve physique, mind, training, as well as relieving the need of food for 3 days, and it was recommended that you drink a pack before starting the game, as it will increase the benefit of the pack.

Tang Yao gulped down a pack, of the S Grade Nutrient Pack, and prepared to start the game. As the clock hit 9pm, Tang Yao initiated the game, and entered the loading screen of Reverie.

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