
Chapter 1 - The Accident


Hello, Author here, this is a rewritten chapter, and I hope that this chapter is better than the previous one.


In the bright afternoon of New Haven city, at a large brick building, with many people standing outside, and talking with one another. This building is the Willbur Cross High School in New Haven City, Connecticut. There were two people talking to each other.

"You wanna go to the arcade?" said, an obese child with brown hair, and glasses. He was Tang Yao's best friend Alexander.

"Nah, I need to go pick up my sister from that crowd of boys." replied, a tall handsome boy with black hair, pointing at a similar looking girl with great features in the crowd. He is Tang Yao, the main character of this story,

"Then do you wanna come after wards?" asked Alexander.

"Nah, I don't feel like it" replied, Tang Yao walking towards the crowd.

"Tsk, you never wanna play games" murmured Alexander.

Tang Yao walked up to a boy yelling, "Jie Yao let me have your babies! β™‘"

"Eh? Who the fuck do you think you are to have my sister babies?" said Tang Yao

"Who's asking? Huh? HOLY FUCK!" shouted the boy before trying to run, only to get caught my Tang Yao who was holding his collar.

"Did I say you could leave?" asked Tang Yao

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck I'm sorry alright, I promise I will never go near your sister every again, or say anything about her. Let me go please. I PROMISE" The boy begged, and begged for forgiveness, before getting punched in the face, and sent flying into the crowd of boys.

"Tsk, you think you can get away after saying such a ridiculous thing?" murmured Tang Yao.

All the people fell to the ground because, of the boy that was sent flying by Tang Yao. A bunch of them started cursing at whoever pushed them down, and promising them a good beating. However when they turned around to see who it was, they instantly forgot that idea, and the crowd started to disperse.

"Eh? Where did everyone go, I didn't even do anything yet. Oh well, it doesn't matter Jie Yao lets go," said Tang Yao to the similar looking girl who was Jie Yao.

"They all ran off because, you came, and you should stop using violence, hasn't the school already warned you several times to stop the violence?" questioned Jie Yao

Tang Yao replied coldly, "What can they do, all I'm doing is protecting my sister from these perverts. Did you also forget that I'm number 1 in this school?"

"Still, what if you don't get into college because, of your violence?" said Jie Yao.

"Whatever it doesn't matter anymore let's go home." said Tang Yao before walking off.

As the two siblings were walking through the city, nearly everyone turned to look at them. A tall and handsome boy, and a similar looking girl with great features. Tang Yao, and his sister were often mistaken as couples, which caused the jealousy of many men, and women near by.

However, none of that mattered to Tang Yao, if anyone tried to get near his sister, he would beat them until they regretted it. All that mattered to Tang Yao was his sister who to beautiful for her own good.

When Tang Yao got home with his sister Jie Yao, they saw a police officer standing outside their house.

"Is something wrong officer?" asked Tang Yao.

"Ah. Are you Tang Yao and Jie Yao?" asked the Officer.

"Yes, is something wrong?" replied Tang Yao.

"Ah well yes there is...Your parents were killed in a car accident this morning." said the officer regretfully .

"Oh.. Wait... What they died in a car accident this morning!?" shouted Tang Yao.

"I'm sorry for your loss, and also, your parents have left nothing in your inheritance except for the house." said the Officer

Jie Yao who was behind Tang Yao was completely unaware of Tang Yao and The Officer conversation. After a few minutes of talking, The Officer said that he had to go, and that in a few days the house would be under Tang Yao's name.

After the Officer left, Tang Yao, and Jie Yao entered the house. Tang Yao didn't know how to react, but tears were forming in his eyes.

"What did you guys talk about" asked Jie Yao who was as cheerful as usual. "Huh, Are you crying? What happened?"


"Come on, tell me! Is it something that you can't tell me?" Jie Yao started to get angry that Tang Yao wasn't saying anything.

'Why am I crying, I thought I always hated my parents for bringing me to America, so why am I crying?' questioned Tang Yao in his mind. While ignoring all the questions Jie Yao was asking him, he fell in deep thought, while he was crying on the outside.

All of a sudden Tang Yao felt a sharp slap to his face, and started to rub it, and see that Jie Yao was staring at him with tears in her eyes.

"Why won't you tell me whats wrong? Am I not your sister? Why are you keeping secrets?" yelled Jie Yao who had tears flowing down her face.

"Tang Yao, please tell me whats wrong, I promise I can handle it."

"I..." Tang Yao tried to explain, but every time he tried to the words got stuck in his throat.


"What? Our Parents? What about them?" asked Jie Yao.

"*sob* They're*sob*"

"What? What about our parents." Jie Yao asked, her face showed concern on it.

"*sob* they're*sob*"

"They're what, calm down, Tang Yao this isn't like you, calm down, and please explain to me." said Jie Yao who was beginning to truly worry, since not many things in this world could cause Tang Yao to show this much emotion.

"Okay..they're *sob* dead." said Tang Yao through much effort, before breaking down again, and hugging his sister. Who was shocked as well, before also began to breakdown, while hugging Tang Yao.

After several hours of bitter sobbing, that could be heard throughout the house, and through much effort, they went to their rooms, without bothering to eat dinner. Tang Yao, had cried the whole night, until he couldn't cry anymore, while his sister was a complete mess, everything she did she would always end up with her crying.

"Mom used to do this *sob*"

"This was Dad's favorite thing *sob*"

Both of them were to emotional to go to school, and in the middle of the afternoon, the police officer came to their house, saying that their parents bodies are ready to be cremated, and that the funeral will take place tomorrow.

As soon as they heard that they're parents bodies were ready to be cremated, they broke down even harder, and cried until they couldn't cry any longer.

"Jie Yao.."


"Jie Yao"


"Jie Yao!"

"*sob* what.."

"Mom, and Dad wouldn't like to see us acting this way. Crying, and Crying until we can't cry anymore. *sob* this isn't what they would like to see *sob* We need to be strong, *sob* we need to move on, *sob*" Said Tang Yao before, he started to break down again.

"*sob* how...*sob* they were our parents, how can we move on *sob*" replied Jie Yao, who beginning to cry even harder.

After several hours, both Tang Yao, and Jie Yao were finally able to control their emotions, and had dinner, before going off to bed, and trying to control their emotions, whenever they thought about tomorrow.

The night passed quickly, and the day both siblings dreaded had arrived.

It was a dark and stormy day, and two people dressed in black could be seen in the rain, walking towards a marble building with a sign on top of it saying, "Cremation Facility". You could hear the loud sobs, and cries coming from those two.

There were some family friends, that came, and tried to comfort the two of them, and offering their supports when ever they needed it.

However, Tang Yao just disregarded it, knowing people like that only put on a good face in front of other, and when they asked for help, they would just ignore them. Even trying to take advantage of them, it was all a facade because, they were in public. As soon as you would reach out to them, they would show their true colors, asking for all sorts of conditions, and compensation.

Before long, after receiving the comforting of all their friends, the cremation started. Tang Yao, had tried to control his emotions, while watching the cremation, but in the end he couldn't handle it and broke down in the end. While his sister started crying from the start, and cried even louder when the bodies were put into the fire.

Shortly afterwards, the ceremony had ended, and Tang Yao's best friend Alexander, who had also come to the funeral, came to Tang Yao.

"If you ever need help, you can come to me. I'm not like those other people who demand for compensation. Please, if you ever really need help just come to me. We're best friends, we are always there for each other. I know you would do the same." said Alexander.

"Thank you, I will tell you if I ever need help, thank you for caring about me." said Tang Yao before leaving with his sister Jie Yao.

Soon they arrived at their house, "What do we do now? We don't have any money, and both our *sobs* parents are gone *sobs*."

"Its okay... Its okay... Just leave it to your big brother. I'll take care of everything. Just trust in me." said Tang Yao.

"I trust you." said Jie Yao.

"Good go inside and take a shower, and start packing your things. I'm going to sell the house, and we're going to move to an apartment. " said Tang Yao.

"Why? *sobs* this was mom, and dads house, how could you sell the house *sobs*."

"You said you trust me, just trust me, go inside, and take a shower." said Tang Yao before going into the house.

Tang Yao started to go on the internet, and made several calls to find someone that would buy the house.

Next chapter