
Brilliance - Part 12

"…Maybe I can offer you up another story," Nila said. "Since you told me of your childhood… Maybe I could tell you something silly in return."

"Ah, young Nila Felder," Oliver grinned. "I wonder what you were like?"

"I was a pain too," Nila admitted. "I was too boyish for a girl, and you've already seen how much that troubled my mother."

"Mrs Felder has always had all the patience in the world for you though. You were lucky to have her, and not someone stricter. Else, you might have been glued to a loom right now, cursing the world," Oliver said.

"I realize that…" Nila said. "But it was my father who really began all that for me. It wasn't like he was a hunter, or anything, but he still taught me how to use the bow, whenever he could. Whenever the sheep did not need tending to."

"Ah, yes. He was a shepherd, wasn't he? So we have a goat herder, and a sheep herder," Oliver said in amusement. "That seems a bit too close a coincidence, hmm?"

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