
Solgrim's Strategy - Part 7

"…I suppose it was in large part due to my reaction as far as their strategy went," Oliver said. "But it is not as if I played the part of the perfect leader before then."

"The two of them… thus far… Their actions have made sense to me, their thoughts that you have spoken, I find myself agreeing to. However this… I cannot help but shake my head in disagreement," Skullic said. "You're no more lacking as a Colonel than some of these other men that have risen to the rank, and you've spent years doing a Captain's work. Karstly trusted you enough to lead a thousand men into battle against a mighty General. Seems odd that he would refuse you it in lesser circumstances. I think it would be good experience for you. Perhaps you would learn more of strategy in doing it. You wouldn't have the time to go in by yourself nearly as often – you'd need to keep track of your entire army."

"Are you saying to ignore what they said?" Oliver asked.

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