
Chapter 19

'This is what I managed to find out in the past weeks!' Ryan said showing her the pictures.

Hazel took the pictures from him. She looked carefully at the pictures; she didn't want to miss any details.

'Are you sure that the girl in this photo is his wife?' she asked looking at Ryan, something about the picture didn't feel right. She had a look at the picture again; Chris was standing with a beautiful woman on his right. The women looked a bit younger than him probably one or two years.

'Something about this photo looks unreal' she said looking at Ryan.

'No way! I arranged some of the best men in town to follow Chris and find out about his family and plus I asked my assistant to look into what Chris did for the past six years and managed to get some details' Ryan said taking out some papers.

'Chris' father, Mr. Vincent Finch, is a business tycoon. Chris took over his family business when he was 21' Ryan said looking at the paper.

'But that's impossible! He was in college that time, right?' Hazel interrupted.

'Well I had the same doubt and I asked my assistant to look it over but the information seems to be right' Ryan clarified.

Hazel silently nodded at him. But something didn't fit right.

'But Ryan, as far I know, Chris was least interested in his father's business so what made him change his mind?' Hazel asked him trying to find the missing piece.

Initially, when Ryan proposed that he would help her investigate Chris, she hesitated. But Ryan had a purpose too. He had a doubt that Chris still liked Hazel. When he saw Chris with his wife in the photo, he was filled with rage. He felt disgusted by the thought that Chris would still like Hazel after having a family of his own.

'Well one could always change their interests and maybe he took over his father's business after graduation from college' Ryan answered her.

'Yeah maybe! Anyways, I want you to look at this picture again, it looks posed' she said showing him the photo.

'Looks fine to me' Ryan said taking the photo from her.

Hazel knew that Ryan wouldn't find the photo suspicious because he didn't know Chris like she did. With just a glance, Hazel could tell at least three reasons on why she thinks that the picture was posed. First, his smile wasn't real. Second, he seemed to know that someone was watching them. Third, he avoided eye contact. Out of all the pictures that were in front of her, not once did Chris look at the girl beside him. Chris avoids eye contact for two reasons, when he tries to hide something and when he doesn't like having a conversation. If she was his wife it had to be the first reason but the fake smile bothered her.

Hazel couldn't tell all this to Ryan or to anyone else because no matter how much ever she justifies they are gonna assume that she is still the girl hopelessly in love with Christopher Finch. Hence, Hazel knew that if she wanted to investigate further about Chris she has to continue the journey alone and she was okay with it because she knew he was hiding something and some thing tells her it's big.

'Thanks Ryan! You are really a very good friend' she said getting up from the chair. She was grateful that Ryan helped her gather all these details otherwise she would have still been in square one.

'That's ok, Haze! When you told me that you were gonna investigate about Chris I thought maybe I could help a little' Ryan said smiling at her.

'You were very helpful and thank you so much. I don't think someone else in your position would have volunteered for something like this' she said feeling overwhelmed by his kind gesture.

'Now what are you going to do with all this details?' he asked unsure of Hazel's plan.

'I haven't decided yet but I think I have got enough clues from all these information' she answered as they walked out of the restaurant.

'Are you going to confront Chris about all this?' he asked opening the car door for Hazel.

'No! I am not a fool, Ryan! He will surely deny no matter how much I try asking' she answered.

'Anyways don't get into any trouble' Ryan advised perturbed.

'I won't! So stop worrying' 

Seeing Hazel so calm and collected Ryan knew straightaway that she already had a plan but she didn't want anyone to know and he wanted to respect that.

'Ok' he said giving her an encouraging smile.

Ryan waved Hazel bye after dropping her near her apartment.

Charlotte opened the door. Hazel entered the living room finding Ed and Chris sitting on the sofa with Ava.

'Haze, where were you?' Ava asked looking up at her. Everyone looked at her, waiting for a reply.

'Yeah Haze, you just took off really fast after the movie got over' Charlotte said sitting next to Ed.

'I was with Ryan' she answered placing her purse on the table.

'Ohh… that's fine!' Charlotte said smiling at her.

Chris and Ed exchanged silent glances.

Hazel went to the kitchen and after grabbing a water bottle from the fridge returned to join the others in the living room.

'Ava…I need to tell you something' Ed said suddenly quietening the others in the room.

'Tell me Ed' Ava said taken by surprise.

'God!! Please don't propose here. I don't think I will be able to take up some love drama right now! Charlotte whined at her brother jokingly.

'Shut up Char!' Ed told her. Though it sounded like a warning Charlotte knew that it was Ed's way of pleading her that he was already nervous and he didn't want her to joke around.

'Look Ava! I know we have been dating only for a while now but I have liked you for more than two years now. I know it's all too sudden now but I don't wanna wait anymore. So I...I just wanna tell you that I lo…lov…I…wanna introduce you to my parents' Ed finished looking at her hopefully.

Ava stood still. She was hoping that he would tell her directly that he loved her but didn't expect a proposal like this…but she knew it was Ed's way of telling her that he wanted her to be a part of his life and that's why he asked her to meet his parents.

'But our parents aren't here. They are in our hometown' Charlotte said looking at him confused.

'That's why I am taking her there! I have already booked the tickets. We are leaving in a couple of days' Ed replied looking delighted.

'Why would you do that?' Hazel asked him.

Ed looked at her perplexed.

'What do you mean, Haze?' he asked her

'She is asking that because what will you do if Ava tells no to your proposal?' Charlotte questioned him.

Ed looked at Ava hoping for a positive answer from her side.

'Well Ed…I too find that you are moving too fast with this relationship…so…' she stopped to look at him. Ed didn't react he was waiting for her finish her sentence.

'But…for me it doesn't matter we have known each other or how long we have been dating …all that matters here is how well we understand each other…and I would love to meet your parents but on one condition…' she said looking at him.

'I will meet your parents too' Ed completed her sentence smiling at her.

Ava smiled back at him. She was happy. She didn't have to go miles with him to know that he was the one for her. All she needed was someone to understand her and when she knew that they had good understanding among one another she knew he was the one.

The other three shouted out in joy cheering for the happy couple.

The next day morning Hazel went to Ava's room with a cup of coffee and found that Ava had already pulled out her travelling bag in order to pack everything she needed for her trip.

'Are you nervous?' Hazel asked placing the cup on the table near Ava's bed.

'Little bit!' Ava accepted.

'Don't worry! They will like you' Hazel assured her.

Ava nodded at her friend praying for the same.

'When are you coming back?' Hazel asked Ava as she helped Ava pack.

'Well Ed said that this week we'll be staying at His parent's and after that we can directly go to my parent's place' Ava answered skimming through her room to see if she packed everything that was necessary.

'Ohh! So at least ten days I guess? I wonder how I am gonna manage. It's really gonna be hell cause Charlotte too is accompanying you guys but the good thing is at least she will be back after a week' Hazel said as she closed Ava's bag.

'Yeah, I am taking a few days off but will be connecting in between from there. Also, Haze…I need to tell you one more thing' Ava said sitting down beside her.

'Tell me, Ava?'

'Ed asked me whether I could move in with him after we come from this trip' Ava answered and she sounded a bit uncomfortable because she has been living with Hazel for two years now and moving out all of a sudden made Ava feel pretty bad.

'That's great honey! I am so happy' Hazel told her with a genuine smile.

'Aren't you feeling bad, Haze?'

'No idiot. Why will I?' Hazel asked throwing her a puzzled look.

'I don't know I just felt you would' Ava answered sounding unclear of her own choice.

'But you will have to stay alone' Ava said in a concerned tone.

'I have no problem in that sweetie! Remember? I used to live alone in an apartment near our office for six months before we both decided to move in here' she said looking at Ava.

Hazel knew that Ava would feel bad for having to move out all of a sudden but it was bound to happen and so it didn't surprise her much. As a matter of fact, she was glad that Ava is dating Ed and decided to move in with him rather than with someone else.

'Ok then I will tell Ed that I am ok moving in' Av told her.

Hazel nodded her head reassuring Ava that she was fine with it.

'Hey Char!' Hazel spoke out as Charlotte answered her call.

'What's up, hon?' Charlotte asked

'Remember the apartment I used to live in before moving here?'


'I want you to find out whether it's still available'

'But why Haze?'

'Because I don't think I could live in my current apartment alone'


'As Ava is gonna move in with Ed, I can't live here all by myself. As this place too big for a single person to live in. So I thought maybe if I can go back to that apartment it would be better cause it's near my office and was good enough for a person to live in' Hazel answered her.

'Ok…I will check and let you know, ok?'

'Yeah, ok! Bye'


Hazel hung up the call and returned to her bedside from the balcony.

She took her phone again and called Chris;

'Yes Ms. White?' he said answering the call.

'Hey Chris! I called to apologize regarding my attitude towards you for the past two weeks' she said in a humble voice.

'Why are you apologizing all of a sudden?' he asked her growing suspicious of her tone.

'Because I am feeling bad about it, so please let me make it up to you'

'Oh…sounds interesting! How are you planning to make it up to me?' he asked surprised by her offer.

'How about I buy you dinner as apology?' she suggested.

'Sounds good! Text me the details later' he said her ready to hang up the call.

'Chris one second!' she stopped him.


'Don't forget to bring your wife and kids' she said and hung up the call without waiting for a reply.

'Wait...Hazel?' Chris called out hoping that she would hear him out but she had already hung up.

He dialled Ed;

'Hey Chris!'

'I think Hazel's onto us!' Chris told him as soon as he heard Ed's voice.

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