
Best Wandmaker

"Have you heard of the Longinus Spear?"

Ollivanders hands started to tremble and his eyes started to shine, as he looked at the part of the spear, and two nails laying inside the golden box.

"How did you get your hands on these items?" said Ollivanders as he looked at Stefan with a serious look on his face.

"I didn't, she brought them to me..., I told her you were going to craft me another wand, and one day she appeared with this golden box and a book that explained about the contents inside the box" said Stefan with a calm face, as he pointed at Lilith, then he started petting her head.

"Impossible, that's just preposterous to think a phoenix had all these items in its guard..." as Ollivanders was talking he saw as the Phoenix turned her head to him, with anger in her eyes, and spat a little golden flame, Ollivanders jumped and barely dodged the little golden flame that hit a block of wood behind him, Ollivanders saw as the block of tree was consumed by the fire as it got hit.

"Mr. Ollivanders, I know that you want to create another Elder Wand... But with the items and help we have, you can create something more powerful, You can be the officially the best Wandmaker the magic world has seen ..." said Stefan with a smile on his face.

Ollivanders eye's started to shine and his breath started to accelerate, and then he sighed, and said: "I can't help you..."

As Stefan heard that he furrowed his brows, he then heard Ollivanders saying "It's not that I don't want to, but I don't have the power that you need to use these items, If we use these materials for what I know, the difficulty lays in melting the materials and make them take the form of the wand and put in the magic core that can rival with the power that is inside of the items, but if the magic core can't handle the power of the spear or the nails, it will collapse, in the process the power contain in them could just explode... So you need someone that can handle the burst of power and that it not let leaks for a moment, and while you are containing it, you have to craft the wand with the magic core." said Ollivanders with a pondering face.

"Basically you need 3 things, someone that can contain the burst of power while melting and making the merging of the items like the spear of Longinus and the magic core, then a magic core that can rival with the item power and can manage to get a balance with the power inside the spear" Ollivanders sighed with a gloom face.

"I don't have any of these 3..." as Ollivanders was talking, an aura burst in front of him that made him kneeled on the floor, as he lifted his head he saw as the Phoenix that was standing on the shoulder of Stefan and was chirping at him, with disdain in her eyes.

"Stop it Lilith" said Stefan with a calm face.

Lilith chirped and the aura vanished, letting Ollivanders to stand up with the help of Mary.

"I apologize from what Lilith has done Mr. Ollivanders..."

"But as you can see we already have the three things, Lilith can suppress the burst of power, as for the magic core we are going to use three feathers of Lilith will do the trick, she is a child less than 4 months for what I know from her, imagine the power she can wield if she was in her adult form, I want to make 3 wands but not the normals..." said Stefan with a calm voice while looking at Ollivanders who was examining at Lilith with his big eyes.

"What are you thinking?" said Ollivanders with a gleam in his eyes and curiosity too.

"I think wands are a bother, having to wield large sticks that can break at any moment or that can be dropped because of an accident..." Stefan saw as Ollivanders was furrowing his brows and said "I want to make the wands to change form into a ring, from a ring into a wand, from a wand into a ring, this will be our little secret and you will get to keep one wand, and in the future maybe have another breakthrough... Lilith knows where to get more of this items... " said Stefan as looked at Ollivanders who was looking at him with a serious look.

"Looks like you're not simple boy... And the idea you had, you're not the first one of thinking in this problem. The reason we wizards use wands are because all spells are linked to a set of movements, you can think as the wand as a big pencil, when you're waving your wand you are writing and saying the spell out loud while channeling your magic through the wand, you will learn that if you do not do the correct movements with the wands the spell simply will fail or will be too weak." said Ollivanders with a calm voice.

"Still they are wizards that can do Wandless and Chantless Magic, but these wizards are just the cream of the coup. Sure I can even do Wandless and Chantless Magic but just for those simple spells, and that's why we use wands, if you use a ring as your wand the movements you have to do to cast the spell will have to change, there are wizards that tried to use the rings, bracelets, but the most they can do with those are the simplest and more common spells every child can do at home with their wand." said Ollivanders, but saw as the boy didn't bat an eye as he heard him talk, and thought the boy was too proud just for owning a phoenix...but besides Dumbledore in this moment who else has one.

"I get Ollivanders but you still forgot I want the ring to change into a wand and the wand into a ring, so there will be no problem with that, I will just use the wand form when casting spells and the ring form to always carry it on me, but this will be a secret for the public too, just for you, Mary and me to know..." said Stefan with a smile on his face.

"That should be impossible... The process to make a wand its complex you have to craft runes inside the wand to let the magic flows from the wizard body to the wand and then outside, and to change the form of a wand to a ring it will change the runes from the inside and vice-versa...but...but... other wands should not be able to repair other wands... And for what I know the elder wand can make miracles... So maybe we can pull this off..." said Ollivander as his eyes started to gleam at the possibilities.

"Looks like we have a deal Ollivanders" said Stefan as he walked in front of Ollivanders and shook his hand.

"Ok, let's do this... I suppose you have the ring mold you want to craft, we have to first do the rings and from there it should change into a wand... But I do not guarantee anything... If it doesn't work... It's not my fault." said Ollivanders while looking at Stefan, who just nodded calmly at him.

"Do not worry about that Ollivanders the third wand is yours, no matter the results" said Stefan with a smile on his face, as he took two molds with the designs of the rings and gave them to Ollivanders who looked for a moment at the designs of the ring, but did not say anything about them.

Stefan also took another box where there were three beautiful golden-red feathers, Stefan just smiled as he saw them, but Stefan could see beneath the disguise of the feathers, they are not the feathers of Lilith it's a bit of the darkness essence of Stefan that took the form of the feathers of Lilith, and just one feather from Lilith.

Stefan passed the box at Ollivander who examined the feathers for a few seconds till he nodded while saying "You're right, your phoenix is impressive there is too much power contained in these feathers...hopefully it can contend with the powers of the material, let's get started"

"Which wand will be the first?" said Ollivander while looking at Stefan.

"Mine, use the part of the spear, completely" said Stefan while looking at Ollivanders, who just nodded at him.

"I need your Phoenix to act as the suppressor when the spear starts melting and the power bursts out of it" said Ollivander as he took the silver part of the spear and put it on a table with a lot of runes carved in it.

"Inferno" said Ollivander while pointing his wand at the spear a blue cluster of flames came out of the wand, it took the form of an owl that flew directly at the spear and started burning it... After 10 minutes Ollivanders was sweating as he was battling to control the fiendfyre he just cast, but the spear was still as normal as ever, it hadn't even changed of color.

"Let Lilith, help you Olivanders, Lilith do it" said Stefan with a calm voice as he watched Ollivanders was taxing himself too much and this has not even started.

Lilith squeak happily, she opened her beak and a golden ball of fire with dark sparks inside of it, hit the blue fiendfyre of Ollivanders, and in a matter of seconds, the golden flame devoured the blue flame for completely and then started burning the part of the spear... In a matter of seconds the spear finally started getting red, and then finally started melting.


As it started to melt, the spear started to leak a great quantity of power, more like an aura, Lilith squeaked as she narrowed her eyes and released her aura that suppressed the aura that was leaking as the spear was melting little by little, the more the spear melted the more aura Lilith had to release.

"It's time" said Ollivander as he pointed with his wand at the silverfish liquid that was now the spear and it starred to float till it was floating above the ring mold.

Ollivanders closed his eyes as he started to muttering something while waving his wand, the moves were too abstruse to remember, symbols started to appear on the air, it started with one symbol, after a few seconds more symbols started to appear till they were about 100 symbols on-air, Ollivanders was sweating as he pointed at the silverfish liquid above the mold of the ring, the two golden feathers floated to the silverish liquid and entered it.


Another wave of power started leaking as the two materials started to fusion but this was more powerful that not even Lilith could suppress the burst of power.

Stefan pressed his hand in the back of Lilith and started to give her a little bit of help, another wave of power that came from Lilith started to suppress the burst of power the silverish liquid was giving a few moments ago.

Ollivanders was nervous as everything unfolded, he sighed in relief as he saw the situation got back in control, he pointed his wand at the silverish liquid, it entered the mold of the ring, and a fraction later all of the symbols on mid-air floated to the mold of the ring, and started to enter silverish liquid inside the mold.

"Hahahaha hahaha, we have done it guys!" started saying Olivanders as he laughed, he walked till he was in front of the mold of the ring, and saw as the silverish liquid solidified rapidly.

Stefan walked in front of the mold of the ring and took it with his bare hands, surprisingly the mold was cold to the touch and so was the ring.

He took the ring from the mold and saw the emblem on it, two dragons coiling around a moon. He looked at it for a moment and he put it on his pinky finger on his right hand.

"Huh, it really can amplify my powers... But how much..." thought Stefan as he felt the ring was an extension of his body, he looked at it for a moment and the ring separated from his pinky finger and turned into a beautiful silverish wand and surprisingly there was a symbol on the handle of the wand... Stefan narrowed his eyes as he saw the symbol but did nothing, as he just smiled after a few seconds.

"Huh, how interesting..." thought Stefan, the Wand turned back into his ring form on his pinky finger, Stefan turned his head and saw the eyes of Ollivanders were gleaming while smiling with an excited face.

"We did it..." muttered Ollivanders.

"Yeah, we did, you can now be called the best wandmaker the magician world has seen." said Stefan with a smile on his face.

"Let's finish this, I can't wait to examine the wand..." said Ollivanders with a gleam in his eyes.

"Ok, then let's finish this" said Stefan with a calm face.

Later on that day, a person from the Magic Ministery came to Ollivanders to take two children to their home, one girl with silver hair and silver matching eyes, and a cute red hair girl with green eyes and two cute dimples on her face, the two were wearing silver rings on their right hands.


A few days later, inside of a Mansion in Los Angeles, there is a boy eating with two beauties beside him, one on his right and one on his left.

Stefan was eating a hamburger with fries with a chocolate milkshake.

"Have you found any information of another nail, Saint grail, anything?" said Stefan while sipping a bit of his milkshake.

"No Young Master, I'm sorry" said Mary while bowing her head.

"Sigh, it's ok, Azazel it's being more careful, now that we managed to get another nail and a part of that mask from him." said Stefan as a black vortex appeared in front of him and Lilith flew out of the vortex carrying the golden box, Stefan opened it and inside of the box were two objects a broken mask and a nail that was used to crucified Jesus.

"The day it's coming close... You're going to Ollivanders with Lilith and craft another two rings..." said Stefan with a calm face as he kept eating while taking a ring from his hand and passing it to Mary, who took the ring with a careful look in her eyes and keep it inside her pocket.

Emma saw the rings Young Master and Mary were using on their hands, and as she knew what were they, she hoped to get her own ring.

As she heard the conversation of making another two rings a smile blossom in her face.

Ok, this chapter is the one of today.

Hope you like it.

I wrote 2.5k words for this chapter.

Morningstar33creators' thoughts
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