
A Chat With Mornbeast

Alaric looked around him and began sighing with relief. The caravan had made it out of the desert within the territory of the Kotus Empire, and they had now made it into the monster lands.

He felt like the caravan could be safe as long as there were no monster attacks now. In Seyukha, there are many mercenaries, and they would stop and help for a few coins.

He looked behind him, and he felt better with the increased number of guards around. Luckily, many guards had chosen to become guards for his nation as well, and it was looking good in his favor.

"Hey Alaric! I think everyone needs to stop and rest for today." Eli said as he walked up to the front of the caravan.

He pointed behind him, and Alaric could see a few elderly people trailing behind the caravan a little ways.

"Alright, we'll stop here for today. We're just south of the bog within the monster lands, and no monsters usually come from there, so we should be safe to stay here for the night."


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