

While Lee went to work Angel went to make copies of the pictures, before going to her grandfathers house.

Inside the photo shop


"Hello! I'm here hopping you can help me with making a few copies of my pictures"

"Of course, let me see them"

She gave him the photo book and said, "I want the pictures framed and I want you to make two copies of all the pictures aside from my family picture and this picture with my parents.

The salesman was written everything she said down, and then he asked, "Is there a special size you want them to be?"

"Yes, I want the family picture to be to be A0"

"Yes, is there a special kind of frame you want for the pictures?"

"If you can give me some artistic frames then that would be good. I don't care much about the price, just if you could pack them and deliver them to address XXX "

"I will do that miss" he smiled.

"Thank you so much" she smiled back and left the shop.


At Grandfather Changs house

She walked into the villa, and found her grandfather with Min Jun.

"Grandfather" she said with a smile on her face.

"Angel" he smiled back and walked over to give her a hug, so did Min Jun.

"You seem happy today"

"I'm. I read mothers diary"

"The whole diary? No, just a few pages"


"Not the whole diary. Mother is amazing, but something is confusing me"

"Come and sit down first"

They all sat down.

"When I read the diary, she wrote that she was born with more special powers than the others i the village."


"But she can control and manipulate with a persons mind and she can see the persons future. When I was child I saw the future with you grandfather with Lee and his parents, but ever since a grew older, I couldn't see a persons future anymore?"

"Your powers have changed, but I will tell you, that I'm not so sure about your powers, only the book your mother gave knows more."

"No, I wont risk it, because there is something else"


"Mother wrote about a holy stone, which has an extreme power. First time mother went to the stone, it let her come to her without using powers when she was a child, because the people in the village wanted to know if she was the legendary one, who is suppose to protect them from an stronger darkness but she wasn't and the war began. When mother turned 19, she went to the stone again, but this time the stone didn't let her come, instead it used a lot of its powers to hold her down, while talking to her though her mind."

"Wow, thats cool!"

"Yeah, but I think, I'm suppose to find that stone"

"Wait, why do you think that?"

"Because of the stronger darkness, which is on the way og maybe already is here"

"I don't know"

"Grandfather, I'm the only one of my kind, and I think I'm suppose to take over what mother left"

"Okay, but what are your plans first?"

"First I need to be the leader of SND. Grandfather you have to take me their, today"

"Fine, when do you want to go?"

"Let me change first and then we can leave"

"I want to go too"

"Min Jun.."

"No, I want to go, you are my family, and I'm going!"

"Fine, but we have to go in separated cars, I have a place to go to after this"

Angel were about to walk upstairs when her grandfather called her name.

"Angel, when we arrived, you have to be strong and show them that you have more powers and are the right full heir for SND"

"I know"


Underworld SND

Outside of what could seem to be the hide out for the member of SND, there were a lot of men and women guarding the place. Some of them had weapons and some of them were just talking with each other, until two cars came.

One of the cars were grandfather Chang and Min Jun and the other on was Angel. Angel walked over to her grandfather, she was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black crop top. She was surrounded by a strong and dark aura.

The three of them walked inside the building. They walked to the center, until a man with two bodyguards came to them.

"Doctor Chang, long time no see my friend" the man said and walked over to Chang and gave him a hug.

"It is, I'm glad to see you again, how are you?"

"All good, but tell me who are these people with you?"

"These are my grandchildren. This is Min Jun and this is.. Angel"

Angel step forward and gave him and dark expression.

"You are Sirens daughter, right?"


"I'm Han. You look a lot like her but tell me, why are you here?"

"I'm here for the same reason my mother came with when she came here for the first time"

"I see. Even though your grandfather is the leader now, we still have to accept you, just like with your mother."

"I'm old, so is doctor Chang, but to become the leader you have to become a member first, after that it's up to me and doctor Chang to decided if you have what it takes to become the leader"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Sky!" he yelled.

A girl came to the man side and her expression was cold.

"You have to fight with Sky"

"Wait Han, Skys fighting skills is like fighting with 20 men at the same time"

"And, if she is her mothers daughter then she would be able to use her powers to win, after that we will see i she can do it"


"No buts Chang, her mother fought used her mind control to bring the men down"

"Okay, lets do it" Said Angel.

The fight is next, hope you are ready :)

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