
The prince

"Pick that up" a low voice ordered me. I looked up and saw a boy dressed in night clothes. I did as I was told.

"But who are you?" I asked.

"Who are you? Is that what you asked me? I should be the one asking who you are." he said in a low voice barely audible.

"I'm the prince's maid." I told him.

"Oh okay great" he mumbled.

" Um so can you tell me where the prince would be at this time. It's my first time here and I happen to be lost." I explained my situation to him.

"Congratulations" he said in a matter-of-fact tone. He closed the massive book he was reading with a thud and said "You found the prince, I'm the prince".

Oh so he is the prince huh? Shit. I should be formal.

"Your majesty, the prince I will serve you wholeheartedly" I said half-surprised half-guilty as to not knowing the right words to express but being more formal is better right? Better careful than sorry.

"No need to be so courteous, you can just call me, Lexus." the prince said in a quiet voice.

"Oh okay Lexus, nice to meet you" I said.

He looked at me astonished. "Aren't you scared I might get you locked up in the dungeon?" he asked.

"Wow you've got a real dungeon? That's so cool. I am talking with you like this because you told me to. And anyways you look like the same age as me so it's normal for me to do so. But still let me ask your royalness what's your age?" I asked excitedly.

"I'm… 17 years old" he said shyly.

I burst out laughing when I saw his face turned red. "I'm 18. Just a year older." I told him.

"So can we be on friendly terms?" I asked.

" If you want to-" he said looking back at his book.

"Okay your royalness I need to tend to you, what would you like me to do?" I asked him.

"Will you do anything I tell you to?" he asked me expecting something.

"Sure of course your majesty, that's my job!" I exclaimed.

"Will you kill a person for me?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yes" I told him.

The word 'yes' came out automatically almost as if I wasn't scared anymore while at the same time my heart sinked.

"Perfect" he exclaimed.

"Who would you like me to kill?" I asked him trying to get some information.

"I will tell you that later" he said, "but first you must tell me what were you reading".

I told him and the conversation went from books to theories. Apparently the prince was a bookworm he spent days in this library. That explains the nightgown.

It went on for days all my work was to get the prince his meals and spend time with him in the library. I was getting accustomed to it slowly. It went on for an entire month.

I was getting worried that the tag will appear anytime now. But it didn't. That was frustrating because I want to get it over with. who knows what the other levels of this game would be but I want to get out of this as soon as possible.

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