
Kazuma Family part 1

Ryouta: Sakura were off"

Ryouta said as he ran out of the house(Sakura)

Sakura: make sure you come back early this time you have school tomorrow she yelled complaining last week Ryouta spent the whole night out.

Ryouta yelled yes mom!

he walks over to a castle that was hand made but for a bunch of kids that made it looked amazing.

Ryouta: Cap, Yamato Yo" he fist bumps Cap and gives Yamato a high five

Ryouta:This is my friend I made his name is cookie

he pushed this tall purple object in front of him. It was oval-shaped

cookie: Good morning master Cap, Master Yamato. I am Cookie, I will aid in your daily life

Ryouta: You see shes amazing, she has a learning AI system so she will learn (also seems to gain a soul..) she also evolved like when he gets a relationship stronger it can make popcorn then you get more then it will transform ...It transformations are unknown. but it's based on the needs of her friends and loved ones...Yamato take good care of her

Yamato: huh me?

Ryouta: well I could see you pissing off some girl and getting killed, so she will help you out

Yamato: that wouldn't...

Capt: now that you mention it I heard from pops that there was a case of a Egyptian king being killed due to his harem...

(capt father is an archeologist)

Ryouta: Oh the person wearing a bandana is Kazuma Shouichi the captain of the Kazuma Family we call him Capt, and the smirking guy here is Yamato Naoe He is the strategist of the Kazuma family and often makes schemes regarding how to make money or beat others with trickery and strategy. I'm the chef of the Kazuma family

Yamato/Capt: And the leader

Ryouta: ugh, what a pain

then a few more people came it was Takuya Morooka and Shimazu Gakuto

Gakuto: wow its a party is there a meeting

Ryouta: Nah I just wanted to introduce a new member cookie. She is really good at games and is tough

Both: Wow

Well depending on her relationship she could even transform into a giant woman...

Ryouta gazes at cookie: I hope you turn into a giant woman

Everyone: Giant woman?

Ryouta: Yeah it be awesome if she became a sexy giant woman

Cookie: Master Ryouta is that your wish?

Ryouta: hmm well it's up to Ryouta but...All I want to do is see you turn into a giant woman...

Yamato starts imagining a hot giant woman with sexy body rubbing on a house

While Capt started imaging a giant machine fighting bad guys

Ryouta coughs and looks at Cookie: So do you want to join

Cookie: are you asking me? but I"m

Ryouta: Your you...doesn't matter what you are made of...I'm asking you cookie if you want to join the Kazuma family

Cookie: Then but of course

Cookie: Young master how did you all meet?

Ryouta: Cap this is your job to tell the story to him.

Cap: but your the leader KING

Cookie: King?

Ryouta: tch...Well I found this place and started modifying it and building a castle but I grew hungry and made some food. Cap who found the place the day prior came to make some modifications for it and smelled the food and tried it and we became good friends. As for Yamato, Yamato had an argument with his mother. Upon running away from home, Yamato felt he needed to wait a while before returning home, or else his mother would look down on him.

Yamato smiled and said no one can look down on me" He soon came upon an open field where Shouichi was in a putting his up his things in the castle. Feeling intimidated, Shouichi asked Yamato to leave, only for Yamato to rebuke Shouichi by stating the field didn't belong to him. After a bit of small talk, Shouichi allowed Yamato into the castle after Yamato pointed out it's weak defenses. The two soon got to talking and ended up staying the night in the castle they had me cook for them, which got them both in trouble with their parents. With the three of us living close to one another and their parents already being friends, our friendship soon became solid. This marked the beginning of the Kazuma Family.

Not long after, Shouichi invited Kazuko to play with them, to which she cheerfully agreed as she felt it was more fun to play with them than the other kids. me , who was more mature and responsible, took it upon myself to look after the two. As time passed Kazuko became a regular member of our group. At some point, Shimazu Gakuto confronted Shouichi over his jealousy that Shouichi was more popular with girls than he was.

Yamato calmed the confrontation between them, and set a date and time for the two to fight it out. Instantly realizing that Gakuto was the type to fall for obvious traps, Yamato dug a pit at the field before the fight took place. This allowed Gakuto to fall and for Shouichi to get a head start in beating Gakuto. As the fight continued, Yamato sat down and talked with Morooka Takuya, and the two apologized for their respected friend's behavior. At the end of the fight, both Gakuto and Shouichi were too tired to continue and ended up laughing at their situation. Yamato called it "the man's world." then I cooked for them. The next day, the two asked to play along with Yamato and the others, adding both Gakuto and Takuya to the Kazuma Family.

Cookie: Whom is Kazuko?

Ryouta: Oh there she is running fast

Kazuko runs over to Ryouta and he starts patting her head

Ryouta: how is my future wife doing today you looks like your getting stronger"

Kazuko: Ryouta I missed you

she then gives Ryouta a hug"so who is this?

She points at cookie

Ryouta: Oh a new member today..she can make popcorn…Cookie

Cookie: alright

Cookie starts making popcorn…

Ryouta then walks over to a girl who is looking over at them.

Ryouta: hey beautiful why are you over there by yourself

she starts crying. I panic for a second but then

I grab her hand and pull her to the group. she hides behind me but I pull her in front and Shouichi starts with a charismatic self to loosen her guard and she introduces her self as Shiina Miyako... months later found out Miyako is the daughter of a (*her father*) and prostitute…well not exactly…her mother is a world-class thief who will sleep with a guy and rob them blind. (well she didn't know this through) Miyako was the kind of girl who was constantly picked on, with the reasons for why varying from her skinniness to the negative reputation of her mother. She was then given the nickname "Shiina-kin" or "Shiina Virus" from her bullies, and the name eventually spread, leading to a bad reputation for her. Due to this constant harassment, times became very tough for her as she had no friends to rely on due to her shyness and a bad reputation. She later became part of the Kazuma family.

Ryouta: Oh I have to go to school for once to take all my test

Miyako: wait Ryouta-sama you don't go to school?

Yamato: Oh, King here is like the Cap and always traveling looking for new experiments

Ryouta: speaking of which where are you going next?

Cap: I'm going to Egypt

Ryouta: Oh bring me back some stuff and this and this too

***the next day school***

"So look at this guy his name is Ryouta:"

Ryouta: Yo, I've been in the class for months now... I just only came like once a month... but I still top 20 of the country

I then sit down and next to me is a gloomy-looking girl

Ryouta: hey, beautiful why so moody?

she looks at me frustrated then she became confused

gloomy girl: Why

Ryouta: Huh

Gloomy girl: why can't I read your thoughts

Ryouta: eh you can read my thoughts that's awesome!

I then grab her arms and say "I want no I need you! please become mine" She blushed and passed out..

"Kazuma-san since you had her pass out take her to the school nurse." I saluted the teacher and took her to the nurse.. damn I never got her name... I thought as I left the nurse room.

The class went by fast during lunch I saw a beautiful blue-haired girl crying. Why are all the girls crying today... I went to her and push my hair back. and say I saw you and was afraid" I wipe her tears ... and snot with a tissue

Blue haired girl: huh, afraid? you're afraid of me?

Ryouto: Yup I was afraid if your unhappy the sun doesn't shine" I had no idea what I was talking about. but she blushed... Yay to being devilishly handsome

Ryouta: So why was such a beautiful girl crying?

Blue haired girl: he school cat is afraid of me and ran away. its the same with all animals. Maybe I'm cursed... I love animals too.

Ryouta: I understand I'll handle it then.

I then change too my typical chef outfit then drag her to the kitchen

Ryouta: excuse me I would like to use the kitchen

"Oh if it aint Ryouta-chan what are you making today" Even through I don't go to classes doesn't mean I don't help out at the lunch room from time to time (Free food!)

Ryouta: I'm making cat food

"huh well whatever you saved our jobs in the past so we'll leave it to you"

Ryouta: ok come on umm oh yeah my name is Kazuma Ryouta but my family calls me King. what is your name beautiful?

she blushes and says my name is Medaka Kurokami.

Ryouta: ok Im making a simple meal that you can make anytime so this will make the cat love you

her eyes sparkle but she still didnt think it was possible.

Medaka: What are you making

Mackerel Recipe I showed it to her and made. even she wanted to eat this food.

Ryouta: lets go.

we go out back to the playground and she sees the cat is hiding behind the tree she then prepares the cat food and then the cat jumps out and eats the food and after it ate it looked at Medaka like shes a goddess and lets her pet it...Medaka is so happy and when Lunch break was nearly ended she hugged me I then hugged her back and when she was about to leave the hug I then grab her waist and kiss her on the cheek and say now that was my reward. Next time the lips

However, she said she likes me but She likes this boy named Ryouta Kise more…

It was the first time I was dumped..

I just smiled at my eyes got a little wet and walked to the nurse's office to check on the girl

When I walk to the nurse's office I notice the nurse isn't there.. doesn't she work...I walk over to the bed and I see the girl in bed but shes crying and when I was about to touch her shoulder to wake her up I hear a small voice say I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry... I guess she was getting picked on... kids sure are mean.

AN: This isn't the last time you see Madaka she will be in Future Volumes (2nd year) She was actually mentioned in the Deadman wonderland volume…she was the blue…

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