
I miss you Onii-chan

*Velvet POV*

I think there is something wrong with me.

Every since I met the man known as Tenchi something has been off

I find myself laughing mad at him at times.

When he kidnapped that exorcist and stripped her clothes something irritated inside of me. I'm not sure the reason. when he stayed behind and told the ship to go out I didn't want to leave

why am I so out of it...why is it so...

When he has gotten to the ship and put the exorcist in the barrel he and the exorcist Rossette seem to have gotten into an argument. they knew each other for years apparently...(Why is it an exorcist doesn't even worry about daemons like me? She just acted like it was normal. Is it due to him...)

After there little argument Tenchi was sent on a small little tug boat forced to spend a few days outside the ship

Tenchi: hey this is messed up let me back on the ship

Rossette: No repent for your actions

for some reason I agreed with her...wait why do I agree? Why does it matter...

Rossette: Oh and no training so I took your cap

Tenchi: what! you demon, you monster, you yokai!

Rossette: It is weird being called a yokai from you...

The other thing is that he seemed to have taken an interest in the boy Malak...that looks similar to Laphi...well I say interest but.


Tenchi punches the boy Malak in the face knocking him into the side of the ship

Tenchi: Haha he flew great that was awesome. How are you feeling are you feeling frustrated, annoyed tell me, boy. what are you feeling

Seres was about to run to the boy but Lailah grabbed her and shook her head. The exorcist in the holy land has developed methods to seal the personalities of Malak. so they can use the malakhim as uncomplaining tools who only operate on orders. Many exorcists in the holy land believe that the Malak are not living beings. Not knowing that the Malak emotions are sealed

the boy tries to get up: ...I don't know..

Tenchi: then fight me...try to find what you're missing

The boy asks: is that an order

but then receive a punch in the gut

Tenchi: Next time you asked if that is an order I'm punching you! You have two options, one fight in order to survive two dies. If you don't fight back I WILL KILL YOU. So you decide what you will do...

after a few days of traveling the boy started to fight back. he would attack with his fire attacks but...he is easily punched out. The boy would be rendered unconscious

Then Tenchi had him fight against some people that appeared out of nowhere. One was a green-haired guy and then a black-haired bland guy...both were easily defeated...

Boy: so *breathing heavily* I easily manage to beat those guys

Tenchi: oh yeah congratulations you manage to beat them in hand to hand fight...

The boy looked upset: what is with you. I beat them aren't they your apprentices

he was upset. Tenchi never showed kindness he treated him horribly in life or death situation after another. when he beat them he thought that he'd get something from him like a nice job but instead he got nothing

Tenchi: oh do you want a biscuit or something!

Seres went in front of Tenchi and slapped him

Tenchi:...ouch...what was that for

Seres: you're being to mean to the kid

Tenchi looks at the boy who is behind Series and scuffs: you like being protected like a little baby. should I call you a baby now

Tenchi walks away...but stops: just to tell you. Mob specializes in Esper. He is one of the strongest Espers on the planet. While Senku is a science genius. He was able to come up with technology such as a new improve scuba suit that can go deeper into the ocean than ever before...at his young age...so yeah you manage to beat two people using your magic against people who have no talent in martial arts...fine I will stop training you...

as he was about to walk away the boy ran out and stopped him

Boy: STOP!...I-I think your mean. you are cruel and a pain. but I know you mean well...I don't want to stop...

Tenchi looks at the boy and lifts his hand over the boy's head

The boy closes his eye afraid that he was about to be hit but it was a pat

boy: oh this is nice...

Tenchi: ok...i'll let you fight one more person...if he deems you worthy ...hmm its a surprise


Tenchi brought out a young red-haired boy

he was wearing a martial arts outfit similar to the one Tenchi wears sometimes

Tenchi: Sekai this is my newest apprentice...I want you to fight him...tell me if you think he is worthy...

understanding his meaning Senkai bowed to his master saying: osu

he turned to the boy: Hey I'm Sekai Kamiki. I guess I'm your eldest brother today I will be training you... good luck...Oh, sorry master is a little hard but apparently, he is kind compared to his masters and grandfather. they poisoned him, starved him to death, tortured him, well anyway let's get ready

everyone looked at Tenchi felt fear at what type of demon his masters were...

Tenchi: ok begin

Sekai runs fast at the boy and smiles as he goes under the boy and ~Shoryuken (a jumping uppercut in which the user spins upwards with some horizontal movement as well, knocking the opponent to the ground)

As the boy is sent back the boy does a backflip and does a new technique phenix wave

while Sekai did Hadoken the clash was strong and there was a beam struggle but Sekai said: stopped his attack and ran forward and screamed LIONS ROAR

it was an attack that slams the target with extreme force, creating a blast of energy in the image of a lion's head, which forces all nearby enemies to be blasted away and knocked to the ground.

he then increased the amount of spiritual power he was generating and the boy was sent to the ocean...

Boy: AHH

the boy threw a broken metal bar at Sekai before fall through


Tenchi woke up the boy

Tenchi: hey. brat you alright

the boy opens his eye

he notices it just Tenchi and him

boy: I-I lost huh

Tenchi: yup...well he is strong...

boy: but it ended so quickly...I didn't even have a chance

Tenchi: nope.

Boy: ugh

he had tears in his eyes

Tenchi: why are you crying? are you frustrated

Boy: I feel yeah. I am pissed off

Tenchi smiles: good...I know I was hard on you but...for the first time you are looking like a man...so I thought of a name to call you

Boy: but my name is number 2

Tenchi: that isn't your name. that was a name that bound you. the name I going to give you is something that sets you free from now on you are Cor Leonis

Cor: Cor Leonis?

Tenchi: Cor means expression. So always keep up expressing your feelings like the ones you showed surprise, excitement, admiration, frustration or alarm

Cor: Leonis...what does that mean

Tenchi: it means lions strength. that is what Sekai was saying. Always have lions courage and strength. It means never back down

Cor: never back down...

Tenchi then stands up and says: Devil may cry has a saying. something that we say just before the battle. Take it to the air, See us spread our wings, here we the kings, here kiss our rings, bring you to your knees, because we rule everything, we got to be the best so we rock it in our chest. your going take this L, caught in our spell, imprison in our jail, we will never fail, always speak the truth pull you like a loose tooth and have the crowd screaming loud as were tearing off the roof

Cor starts repeating what he said

Tenchi then takes out a big cake

Cor: eh this is?

Tenchi: it's your birthday today...today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Cor had tears in his eye

Cor: you made this cake

Tenchi: no I had one of the family make it for you...OH AND THE ONES OUTSIDE THE DOOR CAN HAVE SOME TOO

he opened the door and a bunch of people fell

Cor offered the cake to everyone...


Tenchi went to where Edna was staring the ship

Tenchi: I'm surprised. You didn't join in the fun. you also never complained about my methods with him

She glances back at him for a moment and continues staring: you went easy on him. You are a lot stronger than the others realize...you are strong

Tenchi: hmm but you were able to figure out how strong I am

Edna: I'm hundreds of years old

Tenchi stares at her chest and before he could say anything she called him a pervert

blasting him with her earth powers

Tenchi: wow that was awesome.

he recovers fast

Tenchi: your a seraph of the earth right! want to become one

she became flustered: what are you crazy

Tenchi: no I just want to become one with you...speaking of you. where did you learn how to pilot was that from your brother?

Edna: yeah...he is a pirate...I want to find him...

Tenchi talked with her for a bit more but then went to his room and laid down. Edna smelled him as he was going..: (He smells familiar...)

Suddenly while Tenchi was asleep Edna jumps in on his bed and hugs him

Edna: Onii-chan!

Tenchi who is woken up: Ed-EDNA? you have the wrong person, I'm not your brother

She looked sad at that answer: Why would you say something like that

she starts crying

Tenchi: guwaa!

Edna, who continues hugging him says: I'm bad after all aren't I?

Tenchi: ( do I look like her brother or maybe its the scent of a brother...then I'll do just this much.)

Tenchi sits up and pats Edna who continues hugging him: Sorry Edna, I am your brother...

Edna: Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! I was so lonely. It's your fault I couldn't sleep! Absolutely your fault!

Tenchi: (of course it was like this) Sorry Edna...but I'm here now.

Edna with tears in her eyes: Do...you not hate me...?

Tenchi: I don't

with a smile

Edna: ...do you like me...?

Tenchi: mhmm

She hugs Tenchi harder: Onii-chan

Tenchi: (Cu...Cute~ what kind of brother would let this go!)

Edna: Then...by the way...Oniichan

Tenchi: hmm

Edna:...Let's do it

she says lifting her skirt up showing her modest boobs

Tenchi: hmm....huh...Ed-Ed Edna

Edna: Doesn't saying you like me mean that sort of thing...Don't you know my feelings

Tenchi: your...feelings?

Edna: I said it didn't I? I love you forever and ever. Then you said where the hell did we go wrong raising you. I'm not coming back until you fall in love with a decent man and left. I've ...I've always regretted saying it...

Tenchi: (Why in the world would you have that kind of requirement...!)

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