
Chapter 9: Rushing through School, 【Xiantian】 Realm

-Time Skip-

May 2nd, 1995

"Law wake up you have to write your final exams today, or do you want to continue going school" Lissandra yelled while cooking breakfast.

Law slowly threw the covers off his bed dragged himself to the bathroom to try and get ready to go to school still half asleep. As he brushed his teeth shirtless, he couldn't help but admire how much his body changed over the past years. Gone was the adorable redhead child, in his place was the body of a handsome 13-year-old with the appearance of a young Mikoto Suoh except with purple eyes. (Author's note, Mikoto Suoh is the red king from k-project and the person on the cover. Just make his eyes purple.) The only problem was that he is 10. If it was due to the time dilation or his cultivation he did not know. As he was getting ready, he couldn't believe how much had changed over the years since he had that conversation with his mother.

5 years had passed, and their situation had changed drastically for the better. He had written over 12 books that each became national bestsellers including the Harry Potter series and Jurassic Park. Some of the books that Law wrote were his own, whereas the others were books written by famous authors in his past life.

Although this was a shameless thing to do, he made sure only to write books that were made by people who were not in this world. As well as to dedicate the books to them in one way or another. This was done by either changing the main lead's name to that of the author or by putting them as an influential figure somewhere else in the novel. He also donated half the money that he received from these books to charity as well. This wasn't much of a consolation but that was all he could think of to honor the real authors. (Author's note: don't hate me for this, it was just so that I could namedrop some books.)

Law was able to avoid the fame that came with being a renowned author by writing under the pseudo name of Aaron Zamora. It also helped that his uncle J. Jonah Jameson acted as a liaison between Law's mother and the publishing company thus aptly removing any attention from him.

Law's mother now pursued a career as a University literature professor at Cornell University. With the income that both Law and Lissandra were generating they got a house in Queens near Aunt May, and a condo in Manhattan so they could visit Sue and her parents.

Law had decided to zoom through school disregarding Aunt May's advice much to her disappointment. He passed elementary school one year after entering, Highschool one year after that, and now he was finishing his university degree in genetics and mechanical engineering at Cornell University. Honestly, it was a cruise for him because of his eidetic memory, his memory partitions, and his ridiculously high intelligence. Although this did bring him some unwanted attention as the youngest genius in the past century, he didn't introduce any world-breaking inventions yet that made him a target for SHIELD.

Law's cultivation was also going smoothly as he advanced to the peak of the[Houtian] realm in both paths and could breakthrough at any time. He advanced at a slower pace than he could have because Law decided to split his time between cultivation and strengthening his soul. Although there wasn't a change in his soul-sight, he could now hold 40 memory partitions and Law had unlocked his divine will.

The divine will be basically telekinesis that desolate era cultivators unlock when they reach the soul strength of a[Zifu]stage cultivator. It allows for a soul power fueled version of telekinesis that can be used to shoot weapons like Gilgamesh or form mystical multi-purposed formations. The best part was the fact that as Law's soul continued to strengthen his divine will would also become more powerful, possibly reaching Phoenix Force Jean Grey telekinesis levels. But that was far in the future, for now, he only controls a total of 4 weapons (swords or spears) to an adequate level.

"Law if I come in there and you are staring at yourself in the mirror again you going to be in a world of hurt mister. I swear I don't even know when you turned into such a narcissist," Liz yelled from the kitchen with what Law imagined was a comically large fist.

"Mom I'm not staring at myself; I'm monologuing as all great protagonist should"

"That's not a much better young man. Now hurry up we have to get going. I have classes first thing in the morning, and you have your exams."

Law's only response was a huff before he quickly showered, got dressed, and sat down for breakfast. Liz quickly put down the plate of his favorite breakfast; eggs benedict with a side of sausages, while she made herself a something healthy.

"I don't understand how you can eat that and still stay so thin. Why don't I have your genetics?" Liz pouted as she sat down with her salad.

Law couldn't do anything but scratch his head with an embarrassed look because he knew the only reason, he wasn't fat was that any extra fat was immediately turned into energy for cultivation. Both Law and his mother quickly finished their meal and got ready to leave. As soon as they got out of their house, they were greeted by Aunt May wishing Law good luck. The years had been kind to her because there was basically no change in her appearance over the past 5 years.

It took almost 2 hours of driving through traffic for Liz and Law to arrive at Cornell University. While Law instantly went to a special room to take his exams, Lissandra went to her classroom to get prepared for her morning lecture. The day went by smoothly with Law finishing all his exam's in record time and just sat in on his mother's lectures for the rest of the day. When they got home after dinner Law went to his room and pretended to sleep until his mother checked on him before going to her own room to sleep. Today was the day that Law prepared to break into the [Xiantian] Realm.

The [Xiantian] stage is the second stage of Immortal cultivation for Mortals. At this stage, one has a lifespan of two hundred years. Those who are naturally born from the Heavens and Earth such as Devas and Asuras start at this stage due to being born from nature itself and being the favored children of the universe. These races who are born from the Heavens and Earth are referred to as[Xiantian] lifeforms. However, due to cultivation techniques, Mortals too could transform their bodies into those similar to real[Xiantian]lifeforms since only[Xiantian]lifeforms can actually train to become an Immortal.

Law settled down on his cultivation pedestal before initiating his breakthrough to the [Xiantian]stage in the body refining path first. A couple of hours passed before unnatural occurrences started happening around his body.

Due to the uniqueness of his technique after first breaking into the[Xiantian]the user would have the ability to control the 6 elements that appeared in the outer ring of his runic circle and the ability to regenerate cut off limbs. The 6 elements were Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Metal. As such the 6 elements started appearing around his body flowing harmoniously. This continued for 4 hours before Law's breakthrough in the fiend-god body refining path was finished.

Instead of testing out his abilities he immediately initiated his breakthrough to the[Xiantian] Realm in the ki-refining path. There weren't any signs of Law's breakthrough to the[Xiantian]Realm for the ki-refining path other than a large influx of elemental essence, and the conversion of Law's inner energy into a Chaos attributed energy. The ki-refining technique boosted Law's control of elemental essence and would allow him to use items such as spatial rings, and talismans. Also, reaching this stage of cultivation as a ki-refiner would allow him to finally start making cultivation pills and medicines using alchemy.

'I finally have enough power to at least defend myself in this universe, but I'm sure it not even close to being enough to do what I want here. For now, I will just practice controlling the 6 elements and get started on making talismans and pills. Nothing too substantial for now, just basic medicinal pills that heal cuts and maybe escape talismans for my loved ones that directly connect to my realm.' Law thought while planning to start a business in the future selling these heaven-defying pills. Law jumped off the platform and stood in front of the grandfather clock looking at the time that had passed.

He released a sigh of relief when he realized he still had enough time to check the elemental control he got from reaching the[Xiantian]stage in the fiend-god path. The first element he summoned was water since it is a calmer and less destructive element. The water he summoned was purple in color and constantly released a bright glow. When he smashed it against a rock instead of dispersing it drilled a hole through it. Similarly, when he summoned each element that had a different color than what was expected and was more destructive. The fire was a grey color, Wind was green, Earth was black, the metal white, and lightning was silver. Their destructive capabilities were enhanced, either by increasing its penetration power, strength, or how long the after effects lasted.

After testing his new abilities Law left his realm and decided to ready for the next day. As he went to the bathroom he looked into the mirror and was startled by what he saw. His neck-length hair had grown to his waist. His hair also gained white and black highlights interspersed throughout the entire length. His eyes luckily hadn't changed but he had grown a good 2-inches as well as gaining muscle definition throughout his body.

Law stood for a good two minutes in shock running back into his room and trying to cut his hair with scissors. The rest he couldn't change but he hoped that he could come up with a reasonable excuse for the highlights while covering up with bulky clothes.

'F***, I really hope this works' Law immediately brought the scissors that he had found to his hair and tried to snip it. Although his hair felt soft, it was tough enough to break the scissors by snapping its blade.

'Truth Dammit, what am I going to tell my mom' Law thought not realizing that his door was open and that Liz had entered.

Law immediately heard a gasp, and slowly turned around to see his mother with shock plastered across her face. They stood in silence for a few minutes just staring at one another.

"Law you have some explaining to do," Liz said with a face that promised pain if he lied. All Law could do was start to sweat dreading what was going to happen next.


Author's notes: Since the little box has a word limit I'll post the rest of my thoughts here. For the romance in this novel, I was originally thinking of just being single but since most of the comments are asking for a harem I'll make a small one with a max of 2 or 3 people. I already have a couple of people that I think will be good but if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments.

Thanks for reading my story. This is the next chapter and there will be one more today. I'll try to keep a posting two chapters a day on weekdays but I honestly but since I don't have stockpiled chapters it's going to be a lot of work.

Darkest_Nightcreators' thoughts
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