
67. A kiss

"Charlotte." Miranda uttered with surprise standing straight up, she curtsied as a sign of respect after coming back to her senses. It was obvious now that Charlotte wasn't going go leave her alone. Charlotte was the head maid and she was older than her with over 500 years and stronger. Her strength appealed to Miranda. Miranda after a while took the courage to meet Charlotte's eyes, she couldn't afford her discovering her secret.

Charlotte smiled at this behavior from Miranda. She never really saw Miranda as one who conformed to norms or one who feared or curtsied except to the king. She saw her as rebellious and opinionated. The thought that she could curtsy for her brought a smile she didn't quite comprehend to her heart. She loved that Miranda respected her and it pleased her in ways she didn't expect.

"You can seat please." Charlotte smiled giving her a sign to seat. Miranda reluctantly sat down on the pavement by the pillar. Her heart was beating crazily in her chest. Being so close to Charlotte was driving her mad with desire and lust. She could feel the dampness in her core. She was crazy for a woman who had no idea and was definitely straight as far as she knew.

She had been in love with Charlotte for a long time now and more after Charlotte had saved her from a fire. But Charlotte, Charlotte never noticed her and she knew she did not, because of the king. Why is everyone obsessed with the king? Miranda would angrily think. It was like they were all crazy about him.

Sure he was everything a woman needed but didn't they know about the prophesy. He had a soulmate now. Miranda was never happier when she hard the screams of their binding. Now, she thought, all of them will let the king of the hook and start looking at others. And by all of them she meant Charlotte especially.

Her hopes were now increased, that she could one day have a chance with the woman she loves and right now, while she stood there watching her, she could not dispel the thought of her being right. Charlotte had finally noticed her! If only she knew.

"Is there anything I can help you with." Miranda finally spoke breaking the overwhelming silence that was choking her up and driving her mind mad into the gutter and into hope.

"You know I'm not one to beat around the Bush Miranda." Charlotte started with a smirk. She walked forward to stand at Miranda's front, then she bent waist down and lifted her chin so their eyes met. Miranda swallowed HARD.

She wanted to look away but that would come across as a sign of weakness. She couldn't afford to look weak, not in front of Charlotte at least. "I cannot bow to a mortal. Maybe you all can but I can't. She doesn't deserve the king. I have seen her, she's not worthy enough. And if you love the king which I know you do, you will help me take her out. She is a mere mortal it would be so easy you won't even have to stress."

Miranda was not interested in the love affair between the king and the human, not In anyway. It was none of her business and she didn't give two fucks about it. And she definitely did not love the king in that way, it was disheartening that Charlotte would think that of her.

In fact she wished the king and his soulmate well. But if that's what Charlotte was Interested in speaking to her about then she had to humor her. This was the first time Charlotte was speaking to her as an equal and if it meant that she had to show interest in an issue she had no interest in then she would. What we do for love?

She sighed her eyes dimming. "And what is in there for me. What do I gain if I help you take out the Queen, if I should agree that is. She has been bound or didn't you hear the screams." She scoffed. "Tell me, What will I gain but death for being a traitor because as far as I'm aware that's what any act against her will be to the king. Treason." Miranda pushed Charlotte's hand away from her chin, unable to bear any longer the feel of her tough and the desire it brought. She wanted to kiss her red plump lips, to savour it, to taste it and her hands on her chin wasn't helping. She wanted to submit to the woman but she was not hers to submit to.

Miranda almost groaned in frustration. Why is everyone obsessed with the king?

"If you should do this you would be rewarded. You won't get death but freedom." Charlotte said, rising up. "The king will realize after she dies that we did what was best for the kingdom. He will reward us. She can't be queen, I know that, you know that. Don't tell me that you are out here because of the moon, there is nothing special about the moon to us vampires. The truth is you are as much affected by the kings decision as I am so why don't we help each other and Damn the consequence. We could make a great team in this."

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