
Guild Raid and Food is Life

"What? You're kidding"

"I'm not, man. We received the quest as soon as we met the King. Though I have a hunch that we only received it because of the news of the incoming monster horde" Dylan offered his thoughts about the matter.

"The news traveled that fast?" Michael said.

With a shrug, Dylan replied, "Well, there are players who joined the native factions. So we can factor those people that they might have been the ones that informed them or..these kingdoms just has a way that's still unknown to us where they can receive informations fast"

"That makes sense," Michael nodded in agreement.

[Hello! Welcome to Jollibee! What can I get you today?]

The voice of the store employee rang the moment their car alighted beside the speaker.

"Can we get two coke floats, two classic burgers and two large fries, please?" Michael ordered the usual food that they always get.

[Two large fries, two classic burgers and two coke floats, right sir?]


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