In the bustling city of New Bronx, the air was thick with tension as the Rothschild, Biden and the other four of the great families had started to convene together towards the city to address the deaths of Richard Rothschild and Grom Biden, the patriarchs of the two families.
They knew that they needed to confront the perpetrators responsible for these tragic events and also deal with the nuisance posed by Mine Tech. Industries if they ever take this chance to strike back after a long slumber.
Meanwhile, word of the deaths of the two patriarchs and the involvement of Monk and Silver Fox, these retired individuals had reached the ears of Zero, The Continental's high command.
Even though he had also heard that it was actually Michael that masterminded it, Zero didn't seem to care at all as he seemed to just want to watch for the events to slowly unfold.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: