At the dining table.
Michael and Amanda are having a chat while having their lunch.
Amanda chewed on her food and swallowed before saying, "You guys are having an MT this early in the semester? We didn't have MT that fast back in the day.
"I know, right? And I just got back from my recent trip and now, I'm leaving again for another trip next week" Michael answered with a laugh.
"Anyway, where will your MT be held?" asked Amanda as she took a mouthful of food.
Michael looked at her and said, "An island off the coast. An offgrid island that only has the basic necessities, but it has internet connection thanks to it being just a couple of miles away, North from Mine Tech's Island HQ and..."
Hearing Michael's description of the island, Amanda's eyes brightened up and she said, "I know that place! It's called Coral Island because of the surrounding beautiful reefs around the island"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: