
All Done

Lana quickly got Michael and Amanda a chair as both of them sat on the side near the entrance.

"Whoa~ you weren't really kidding when you said you were gonna buy out an entire store. Did you plan this in the beginning?" said Amanda as she watched the frantic employees walking to and fro with clothes in their hands.

Michael whispered to her, "No, but it's kinda fun, right? We should do this once a while"

Amanda rolled her eyes and said, "Once a while my ass, you should save up. It's not like clothes has any expiration date, but the kids would certainly love them"

Michael chuckled and said, "I mean, I have tens of millions in my account, so~ yeah"

"Ma'am, sir, drinks?"

Then Lana arrived with two drinks in her hand and offered it to them.

One is Cola, and the other was sparkling water.

Amanda just snorted at Michael and took the sparkling water from Lana, "Thank you"


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