

"Die, Human!"

A Dullahan roared ferociously as it slammed its spear on Michael's side.


Michael groaned in pain as he used the shaft of his War Hammer to block the Dullahan's spear, and the force behind that attack caused him to slid to the side, leaving the path towards his healer unobstructed.

"Healing Light!"

A melodious voice of a woman sounded a distance away from Michael, and following that voice, Michael glowed with a golden hue and his health that took a nosedive from blocking the Dullahan's attack quickly filled up by at least a half.

"Pesky woman!"

Because of Miya's heal, the Dullahan's attention suddenly turned towards her, and the monster quickly rushed towards her like a raging bull.

"Watch out!" Michael called out and quickly dashed forward to catch up to the Dullahan.

"Light always prevails, darkness vanquishes, Holy Hammer!"


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