
The next level

So has we've established so far I've said farewell John and I've returned home to find out my mother is a witch and im a witch myself.

My mom asks me to follow her to a different part of the house this room i didnt even no was there it was hidden behind a hidden door that was disguised as a full wall mirror, I've never seen my mother in the mirror before as I've had no reason to but standing by this mirror i saw my mother looking alot older with full head of grey hair and wearing different clothes than what she was actually wearing she was in a lovely black gown with bell cuffs and long flowing trail with grey and black lace detail she looked amazing.

So we enter through the mirror door into this what can only be described as a cave with candlesticks and lit candles dotted around the place they don't even look like they're burning down in the middle of the room is a big table with all kinds of things on there.

Looking at the table i see there's a goblet, a wand that looks like something out of harry potter, a mini sword, an array of unlit candles, a big cauldron, and a deck of cards which i start to look at and question my mother " mom what are these here" with that she replied "they're tarot cards bill these will be part of your learning" i also see a big crystal ball on a stand made with ornamental skulls i hope so and not real human skulls.

As i look around the cave more and more i notice all different things 3 big bookcases full of books on witchcraft, spells, tarot, runes, crystals and brooms hanging on the walls and plants hanging "mom why are these plants dead and hanging with no soil ?" Iasked my mom

"they're not plants Bill, They're herbs drying to use in my spells this one here is a special one this is sage which i need to make into a bundle today and ill then use it to cleanse the home and clear the negative" mom replied. "have you never noticed when you've come home how the house feels and smells different that it normally does ?" she asked me.

I replied "yes mom it does actually and is that what that does".

Looking around even further in the east side of the cave was a big leather bound A5 size book very nice looking with a pentagram on the front and decorated with sticks and moss and all things nature

"Oh Bill becareful with that that book has been passed down from your grandmother and hers before that" mom said.

"And what is this book a heirloom or a nursery rhyme book" i replied.

"Oi Bill its not a joke that is the book of shadows where all spells and everything u need to no is in there all sections are for different things quick reference stuff the main stuff is in all these books you see around you".

"Sorry mom i wont make fun again, promise".

So i go on another explore of the cave thats the only way i can describe this room as theres no windows and the walls like they're decorated with rocks and moss and everything you'd find in a cave, there's even a little pond of water west side of the cave i only no the directions of these things as there's a compass engraved on the floor so im guessing this is correct.

"Mom when do we get into the stuff of doing spells and making magic" I asked

"You best get doing your first bit of learning heres a book please read it and study it and take this deck of cards and study those aswell".

"Ok mom but why have i got to read this book wicca by Scott Cunningham".

"Because Bill this book will tell you everything as a beginner into opening yourself up into the wiccan religion and being a witch" She replied.

We then leave the cave room the same way we came in and i look at my mom and smile widely i look back in the mirror at my mom and shes still wearing the same clothes and looks the same but without the mirror she has brown hair and is wearing normal casual clothes jeans, jumper and slippers so to me this is really spinning my head and confusing me but i didnt question it as the mirror image my mother is nearly an old lady.

So i head to my room and start reading the book as im really intrigued and what to no more about it but then i get distracted by the tarot cards ive been ask to learn and study so i pick a card and look at it this first card i pick is wheel of fortune at first glance i don't have any clue or anything but then something inside my head clicks and its telling me this is about someones fortune turning for the better i don't no if it's supposed to be upside down but im able to study it and hear in my head that they're fortune is going to get better and things will come out better than they have been.

It's getting late and I've got school tomorrow so I'm going have to stop studying the homework my mother has set for me and return to it tomorrow after school.

Next chapter