
The Tormenter Of Souls

Feng stepped into the ring and walked up to the tall man, staring into his eyes with a serious utterance on his face, to show that he meant business and he was not kidding around. The announcer announced both their names. The man was named Jax, A.K.A., The Tormenter Of Souls who absorbed his victim's souls and gained their powers. He was the second prospect of the preliminaries. The fans and crowd were waiting for this matchup for days. They both executed their opponents to please the crowd. Fight!!!" yelled the announcer. Both Feng and Jax stepped away from each other. Jax bowed and clenched his hands into fists, generating black and white energy around his body, quickly lunging towards Feng, almost decapitating him. Feng quickly rolled out of the way, firing 4 beams at Jax. Jax stuck his hand out, creating a powerful barrier that easily dispersed the powerful beams. Smoke surrounded the area. Jax used it as an advantage. He opened his mouth, releasing out powerful cold wind, almost freezing Feng. The shards of glass sliced Feng on the face. Jax leaped towards Feng and grabbed him by his neck, suddenly generating double damage energy around his entire forearm, surprising Feng. His eyes were popping out.

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