
A Bounty On My Head

Jon recently found out that Topaz was murdered. He was integrating every Zen Clan master expect Feng. Ferris was the one who really killed Topaz. In his mind, he said that Topaz was weak-willed and over way his head a fucking dummy. He deserved to die. He killed and raped 15-year-old boys and girls. However before he killed Topaz, Topaz already suffered many external and internal injuries. This gave Ferris an idea. Before he left the scene he saw a bloodstain on a burnt chair. Ferris analyzed the bloodstain and found out who the blood belonged to.

Ferris was not only a master swordsman, but he was also a scientist. Before any nobles and merchants entered Malar, a blood sample was taken from them. Ferris made this policy. Ferris matched two blood samples together and found out who it belonged to. The infamous Cross. Ferris began laughing. "The one who helped destroy Yun." " This will be fucking awesome!!" Ferris made a sketch of Cross and delivered the sketch to Jon. Jon began laughing. He crushed the sketch into a ball and burned it to ashes with his aura. " I want this fucking kid's head and a pike." If anyone interferes kill them. Ferris nodded and said: " Yes sir." The reason Jon wanted Cross dead was that Topaz was one of the strongest men in the South. He belonged to The Element Tribe, one of the oldest tribes in the world.

Even though Jon could easily destroy The Element Tribe, he didn't want to start a war. He sighed and snapped his fingers bringing a female servant who wore a maid outfit. She poured a glass of ancient red wine into a crystal wine glass. Jon guzzled down the wine and licked the remnants of his lips. The maid was about to leave until Jon grabbed her wrist. The name of the maid was Claudia. Her power level was 200,000,000. "

I have a job for you," said Jon. Claudia was only 17 years old. She had long black hair, incredibly sharp fangs, C cup breasts, and a tattoo of a small cross on her forehead. She was 5'8. Her eyes were green. She barely talked. She always laughed after she killed her victim. She also collected their eyes. It was a very weird habit. Jon pulled out another sketch and said: " This is your target." She examined the sketch and nodded. She then threw the silver platter into the sketch, pinning it in the wall.

St. Juan"s Hospital:

Cross laid next to the unconscious Sarah with his hands on his head staring at the ceiling. On the ceiling had a painting of a tiger, taking down a bull. He searched through the wardrobe and pulled out a magazine covered in plastic wrapping. He unwrapped the magazine and began reading it. He sighed and tossed the magazine to the side. He looked over by Sarah and kissed her on her neck, causing Sarah to place a smile on her face. Cross got dressed and was about to leave the dark hospital until Sarah began talking. "Cross where are you going?" said Sarah in her soft voice. " I am going to check up on everyone. " You want anything?" asked Cross. Yes, some water." answered Sarah. Cross opened the door and silently shut it behind him.

The first person he would check up on was Jesse. Jesse was in the cafeteria, dominating the jelly. He had over 5 different flavours. Those flavours were grape, lemon, apple, strawberry, and pineapple. He was about to help himself to the grape jello until he saw his father. Cross nodded to Jesse and said: Help yourself, Jesse. No telling how long you will be able to jello again. Up ahead lies great enemies son. "We have to be ready so he can crush them like bugs." Jesse nodded back and said: " "Jello is like adrenaline for me dad." "Without it, I would be a man in the Sahara desert looking for water."

Cross began laughing and began shaking his head. In the back of his head, he said: "These kids today." As he said that he remembered he was born in the 1990s. It was 2035. He was about to check up on Orion until broadcasting came upon the 100-inch flat screen tv. " Good morning Malar." Today is all about an intruder by the name of Cross Rodriquez." He murdered Topaz of The Element Tribe one of the largest tribes."

"Our leader has placed a bounty of 500,000,000." Anyone commoner or merchant who captures him will not only be rewarded with the money but will claim the title of lord. "That is all." One of the nurses who was a male that had a dark grey beard and a receding hairline turned off the tv with remote control and noticed Cross who was furious. He was holding a silver spoon. "What the fuck is going on?!" yelled Cross. Cross was so furious he broke the spoon in two. The nurse pretended to drop a tray. He was actually pulling out a small hidden gun he had tucked away in his left sock. He shot Cross in the head catching the attention of everyone.

Blood splattered everywhere. However, Cross ripped the bullet out of his head. The nurse was terrified. He began shivering. " You know you done fucked up right?" Cross stuck his hand out and aimed for the nurse's leg. He fired a metallic spike into the nurse's leg. The nurse began screaming. "My fucking leg!" "You bastard!" Tch. " You lucky you with that just that!" Cross turned his back and began shaking the nurse stood on his injured leg and said: Leg or no leg.." " I am getting that money and title!" Cross turned around the slapped the nurse's head, causing it to spin around like a top spinner. Everyone came into the cafeteria. "We have to clear your name before The Element Tribe tries to declare war against you," said Orion. Sarah walked up to Cross and wiped the blood from his forehead.

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