
Blind Fury

Van began cracking his knuckles. "Let's get it on." " I like the way you think," said Victor. Van sprinted towards Victor. He suddenly slid on the ground and picked up a spear. He pushed himself in the air and threw the spear at Victor. Victor dodged the spear and repeatedly punched Van in the chest. Van coughed up blood and crashed through the front gate. Van instantly recovered and wiped the blood from his face. Suddenly he felt Victor"s presence behind his back. " You will have to be quicker than that." Victor round housed Van in his neck, causing it to break like a toothpick. Van dropped on the ground lifelessly. He grabbed Van by his neck and lifted him up by his neck. He slammed him hard on the ground. Van jumped to his feet and rolled. He began breathing heavily. He blood. " He's fast..." " It looks like my intense hearing won't help me this time." Van was already blind. Losing his sight had nothing to do with Seth Z. Van clasped his hands together and began firing multiple beams at Victor. Victor zipped past Van holding his blood-drenched sword. He turned around and saw Van missing a leg.

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